** ** **

Something was tickling my face. I was flat out, crashed on the futon. It wasn’t comfortable by any stretch of the imagination. I wasn’t alone. It was still dark and she was leaning over me and her hair was tickling my chin. I snapped up to sitting. Her shoulders were in my hands

“Sorry, Master.” She whispered in the dark, “I had a nightmare. I got scared. May I sleep beside you?”

“Felicia,” I let go of her and shook the sleep off, “I’m not your Master.”

“Please?” Her voice was shaky, “I can sleep on the floor. I just need you near, if…if that’s okay.”

I got to my feet and grabbed for her hand in the dark, “If that’s what you need, we’re sleeping in my bed. This futon is shit.”

I grabbed the gun and took her back to my room in the dark.

“Nothing to be afraid of, baby. You’re safe,” I told her and tucked the gun under my side between the mattress and box spring.

I got under the covers and as I did I felt her shuffling beside me in the dark. I figured she was getting her dress off and then before I knew it, she was snuggled up against me, her head on my shoulder. She draped an arm over me and nuzzled in. Yep, skin on skin.


This was wrong. This was looking like some hero worship and I couldn’t allow it. This was indicative of what they’d turned her into. I couldn’t deconstruct it right now, though. I needed to crash. I was absolutely exhausted. I started to drift, thinking I should move her off me, set some boundaries. But then she softly said, “Thank you for saving me.”

Before I realized what I was doing I leaned down and kissed the top of her head, “You’re welcome.”


Tommy had been jittery, constantly checking his computer, which was on the coffee table in front of him.

“You not into this movie, baby?” I asked.

“Hmm?” He looked up at me distractedly.

“What’s so exciting on that screen? You get sucked in by one of those candy games, too?”

He gave me a little smile, “Naw. I’m just waiting to hear from Dare. He should be back from a trip any time now and I need an update.” He put an arm around me.

I snuggled into him, “Is everything okay?”

He shook his head, “No, it’s kind of messed.”

“Wanna talk about it?”

“Not sure you wanna be burdened with this kinda shit, baby girl.” He leaned forward and grabbed his can of Coke and drank some.”

“Kay. If you change your mind…”

His phone made a noise and he grabbed it.

“Kay, he’s home. I can breathe now.”

“That bad?”

“Oh baby, you have no idea.” He shook his head with a grave expression and I felt ice pierce my veins.

“Talk to me,” I urged.

That was just before he told me about Dario’s problem. Dario’s female problem. It was bad. Several times now since Tom Sr. died either Tommy or Dario found out about a new lie or new secret that rocked their world in a bad way. And it wasn’t easy for Tommy. I could see that he was feeling guilty about leaving his brother to deal with things and I could guess that he was mulling over us going back so that he could help out more. Dario and he had been working together remotely but I knew Tommy was itchy, itchy to get things over with and itchy to be doing something.

He was building wooden patio furniture out back and alternately working on stripping and redoing a canoe as well during the day in a workshop to keep busy. He did beautiful work. Intricate designs, everything done painstakingly. But I could tell it wasn’t enough for him.