I got ready for bed and when I strode out in my boxer briefs, having forgotten to bring clothes in again, she reacted. She was seated at the foot of the bed and she fisted the bedding. Yeah, that was nice for my ego but I had to pretend not to notice.

It was hot in the room despite the AC so I decided that I’d forego the track pants tonight and threw the blanket to the foot of the bed and then climbed in under the top sheet in my underwear. I thought back to that morning, waking up with my cock against her ass and got instantly hard.

Down boy.

“Come to bed,” I said and she spun around, hiked up the nightgown, and was on her knees crawling slowly toward the head of the bed. She looked fucking amazing. Blazing wavy hair falling over one shoulder, her eyes on me and with visions of sex in them, her luscious tits spilling out of the low cut white silky nightgown as she crawled slowly toward me. I turned on my side so that I’d have my back to her when she got to the top and ground my teeth tight as I flicked the lamp off.

She was beside me, under the covers, and I felt her breath on my back. She was winded.

I squeezed my eyes tight and tried to ignore her sweet scent, the warm breath on me, the tingling in my fucking groin. Motherfucking scumbags.

** ** **

I was dreaming of her; she was riding me, her gorgeous hair spilling around her shoulders, her beautiful tits bouncing, her eyes on me and filled with want.

“I’m all yours, Master, for forever, and for anything your heart desires,” she’d huskily said in the dream and it sounded so hot. So fucking hot.

I had one of her hips in my hand and the index finger of my other hand was looped through the dangling heart pendant, holding on. In the dream I bounced her on my cock. Fuck it felt good. Somehow I knew I was dreaming and had a lucid thought that it felt too intense and real to be a dream. My eyes bolted open and that’s when I realized she was under the blankets and she had my cock in her mouth.

She had me deep and she was applying the perfect amount of suction. Fuck. I had her hair wrapped around my fist.

“Felicia,” I rasped, “Stop.”

She kept going, sucking me deeper. Fuck that felt good. I had to make her stop.

“Fuck, Felicia, stop goddamnit!” Because I had her hair I pulled her back, rougher than I intended. She had a look of shock on her face.

“Get off me,” I croaked out. She moved off me with her eyes downcast. I got out of the bed, pulling my underwear up as I stood. She must’ve pulled them down enough to get to my cock. Fuck, down boy, sorry boy. My cock was fucking pissed at me.

“What the fuck?” I bit off.

Her mouth opened and she looked mortified. Her face was beet red.

“WHAT THE FUCK!” I had to lock my rage down. And now. It was 6:00 in the fucking morning and we were outta here today.

“I just wanted to …” She was trembling like a leaf.

“Stop.” I halted her by raising a palm, “Don’t finish.” She cowered at my hand going up. Fuck, she thought I was gonna hit her.

I stormed into the bathroom and slammed the door. Yesterday’s cracked drywall was already staring at me. I couldn’t hit the wall again.


I used the john, got in the shower and the minute I got under the water my cock was screaming for me to take care of business myself so I finished what she started in there. Couldn’t help it, no choice. Seeing her naked body, having her ass against me yesterday morning, then her legs wrapped around me yesterday in the water, her gorgeous tits against my chest, and then my cock in her mouth this morning? I had no choice but to take care of myself or I’d go in there and throw her legs up over my shoulders and pound her hard until I fucking exploded in her pretty pussy. I pictured her while I jacked off, I couldn’t help it. Wild hair, piercing blue eyes, peach lips around my dick. Hanging onto that fucking necklace. Sweet jesus. I had one hand flat on a tiled shower wall and the other hand in a fist around my dick and it took all of thirty seconds for me to finish, maybe not even thirty seconds.

After my shower I brushed my teeth and when I came out she was still in the bed, chewing on her bottom lip and not looking at me. I had trouble looking at her, too. Seeing her there made my dick wanna wake the fuck up again.

I was in a towel. I got a suit and shirt from the closet and fished out socks and underwear from my bag and without looking at her I said, “I’ve gotta get dressed. Before I do, listen to me. You and I have shit to settle about what my expectations are gonna be. We deal with that when we get home. I told you I was not prepared to start this here and I meant that. You pushing like that was not cool.”

“You’re still, still taking me with you?” She was staring at the bedspread.

I sighed, “Of course I am.”

She closed her eyes and visibly relaxed. She had been petrified that I was changing my mind. She wanted so desperately away from here that she was trying to make sure she secured that seat on the plane with me. I sat on the bed and looked at her.

“I’m very sorry, Master. I just want you to be happy with me,” she answered softly, looking up at me with sad eyes.

“I know.” I said, clenching my teeth.