
She shook her head, “Whatever you’d like me to have, Master.” Her eyes, her eyebrows, they were twitching in confusion.

I picked up the phone and ordered and then went into the bathroom to shave. I heard knocking. I quickly took the last stroke and rinsed and then grabbed a towel and blotted my face as I headed to the door. She was still in bed sitting against the headboard with the covers up to her armpits.

I opened the door and a bellboy pushed a cart in. That woman who was with Rafe Ruiz yesterday was beside him, “Mr. Ferrano,” her eyes darted toward Felicia, “Is everything to your satisfaction?”

I was losing my patience with these people. I gave her a dirty look, “I told Ruiz that I didn’t need anything. I’d like to eat. If you’ll excuse me, please.” I motioned for her to leave. She glanced at Felicia quickly and I sidestepped to block her view and raised my brows at her. She quickly retreated. I got the impression she wanted her alone but that wasn’t happening. Something about that woman did not sit well. Hell, none of these people sat well. I shut the door. The luggage rack had a large trunk.

“Get dressed. Rap on the door if room service comes and I’ll deal with it. You don’t answer this door at all,” I told her and was about to step out onto the balcony for a smoke.

“What would you like me to wear, Master?” she asked softly, looking pale, sickly pale.

I stared at her for a beat, “Is there something you’d, ah, like to do when I’m done with my tour?” I asked.

She stared at me blankly.

“Do you want to go to the beach? If so, put on a swimsuit. If you wanna go for a walk, shorts and a tank maybe? It’s sweltering hot out there today. We’ll do what you wanna do when I get back.” I shrugged. Clearly she was gonna need direction at every turn.

She nodded a little and pushed the luggage rack toward the bathroom while I headed out to the balcony.

When I came back in there was knocking on the door again. She was in the bathroom so I got the door and it was breakfast on a tray. There was no table and chairs this time so I put the tray on the desk beside the bed and that’s when she came out in a fancy blue tank top, more for a nightclub than a beach, and a pair of white shorts. She wore bejeweled flip flips. She had her bathing suit on as well, I could see the white halter ties around her neck. She looked like she was trying to be casual but her face was made-up, with smoky eyes and shiny lips with a hint of color, the color of peaches. Her hair was wavy and wild, probably from having slept without styling it after her bath, unlike yesterday when it was board straight. I liked it like this. It was more like the girl from the driver’s license, the girl with the fire in her eyes. There was no fire in her eyes, now though. I didn’t wanna even think about what they’d done to her to extinguish that fire.

I motioned for her to help herself. I lifted a lid and found a dish with separate compartments filled with bacon, scrambled eggs, fried potatoes, and a stack of toast. She looked at the platter with uncertainty so I dished her up a plate with a bit of everything. I poured her a cup of coffee and handed it to her black, “Not sure how you take it.” I motioned to the sugar and milk.

She looked at me with warmth but guarded warmth as I passed her the plate and cup.


I was feeling more than a little unhinged and I was trying my hardest to hold myself together. I hadn’t felt this way in a really long time. I had a system. I found out what was expected of me and I went along with it, fulfilled whatever the duties were until I could be alone again. I had no real outlets other than exercise or reading. When I worked out I poured everything into a workout. When I read I got lost in the story. And when I had sex. When I had sex, I poured everything into it. That’s how I proved my worth around here. That’s how I got to where I was getting married off, getting out of here. I screwed my assignments good and that kept me going. I’d got off on the sex because I’d go away to this place in my head and that’s where my heart and soul would live while my body did what it was supposed to do.

My assignment getting them to orgasm meant I’d done my job and I’d have an orgasm and it’d be done. Usually. It didn’t always go smoothly. Sometimes it went really wrong but I usually succeeded at not letting it show. For the most part I knew what I needed to do to get from point A to point B and that’s what I did every day. I always knew what they wanted before the session and even if I had to stay in character for days I was able to deliver. It was all in an effort to get to Point C and now was that time.

This guy, this Dario Ferrano, gorgeous rich guy who inherited partnership in this place could get me to Point

C. Once I got there I didn’t know what’d happen. I never thought about what I’d do if I actually got that far. What would I hope for then? I pushed the thought away. I couldn’t let my mind go there now or I’d mess this up. Right now the prize was getting out of here. I couldn’t think beyond that. I could barely fathom life outside of these walls.

I’d never seen him before and other owners frequented the club, they frequented with friends, adult sons, one of them with an adult daughter who was a vicious Domme who’d drawn my blood more than once. I wasn’t sure who Dario’s father was or if I’d ever met him but Dare, clearly, had never been here.

Here I was with a guy that could get me to Point C but he didn’t want the A to B business so far. Well, obviously he did when he was asleep but awake he didn’t. I’d tried. God, it was humiliating to be told No. And he’d gotten angry with me. It’s all I knew and without giving him that I didn’t know how to proceed. He said he didn’t want it here. But I needed to make sure he didn’t change his mind and leave me behind.

When he left the suite he put the ‘Do not Disturb’ sign on the doorknob so housekeeping wouldn’t come. I made the bed and tidied. I worried that someone would come and tell me it was all a mistake, that he really wasn’t taking me with him, that he’d changed his mind. I was worried I’d messed up and that someone would come, haul me off, and punish me for not representing Kruna well enough.

I’d been trained, had it drilled into me to please the patrons and I’d been trained that if I was ever lucky enough to be purchased by someone who wanted to be my Master that I’d have to be absolutely perfect in order to please him. Failure was not an option. I was considered an exemplary slave. So why was I doing so badly at this? I was like a fish out of water right now, all but flopping around on the carpet.

He was gone for a few hours and no one bothered me. He’d left the television on while he was gone and after a while I’d gotten comfortable on the bed. It had been just about two years since I had a room to myself with a television in it. I didn’t even have the nerve to change the channel. I simply sat and watched the news for the whole time he was gone, mesmerized by the ability to watch news, to see what was going on outside the confines of the resort.

When the door to the room opened I scampered to sit on the edge of the bed, feeling like lounging had been wrong.

He frowned at me and shook his head and then sat. He looked even more pissed, “Did someone come and harass you?”

“No, Master.”

“Good. Alright well we have a few hours until we need to dress for dinner. Are you hungry? Want lunch?”

I was still stuffed from breakfast. I swear that the bacon melted in my mouth like manna from heaven, “I’m not hungry, Master. But if you are I’d be happy to order something for you or to accompany you to one of the dining rooms.”

He rolled his eyes, “No, I’m good. But I need out of this…this…” he searched for a word, “building for a bit.”