She smirked, “You can talk to me. I’m like Fort Knox. You tell me somethin’ and it won’t go nowhere. I sat under interrogation for 6 hours once. I was in a hundred degree room and I had to pee. Still not a word.”

I found that hard to believe since she never shut the heck up --- like ever. I didn’t even want to ask her why she was interrogated for 6 hours.

Tommy strode into the bedroom and saved me from the Sarah Inquisition. He came right to me and folded me into an embrace. Sarah left the room and shut the door.

He ran his hands up and down my back and his nose travelled from the nape of my neck up to my temple, then he kissed it, “Miss me?”

I stiffened.

He looked down at me, “Something wrong?”

I shrugged.

“Tia?” He had alarm in his voice.

“Where did you stay last night?” I asked. My face felt hot.

He frowned, “I didn’t stay anywhere. I haven’t slept yet.”

I looked down at my feet, “Oh.”


He let go of me, then backed up and sat on the bed beside the opened suitcase and crossed his arms and stared.

“What time do we have to go?” I tried to change the subject. My face still felt hot.

“In half an hour. Look at me.”

My eyes met his.

“Did you think I spent the night with someone else?” He had his eyebrows raised and he looked on the verge of pissed.

I shrugged my shoulders once, slowly.


I chewed the inside of my cheek and stared at the ceiling. Weird how in a few short weeks he felt like he could use my given name like that to show he was serious. But it worked.

“Answer me,” he demanded and his voice wasn’t friendly. I looked at him. His eyes weren’t friendly either. He jerked his chin up at me.

“I just didn’t know where you were.”

“So you assumed I was off fucking someone?” His voice was calm but menacing.

“We never talked about fidelity, Tommy, and I dunno; you’ve been really nice to me the last few days and I know you need…” I stopped.

He gave me an incredulous look. He was silent for a moment, then said, “We engaged?”

I nodded, chewing my cheek.

“We don’t need to talk about fidelity. It’s a given. I have no desire to be with anyone else. You won’t be with anyone else. Got me?”

“Okay,” I said and looked back down at the floor.

“Whatever it is I ‘need’ I can get from you. I will get it from you.”

“Okay,” A chill crawled up my spine.