I nodded again, “Tommy has a business trip and I’m going with him. When we get back I’ll call.”

She squeezed my hand and left, giving Tommy a dirty look as she passed him.

I hadn’t sold them very well, I knew they were doubtful and worried but I guessed it was enough. For now.

As she left, Tommy looked like he was trying to soften his hard expression, “What is that?” He looked down at my bowl.

“Cream of something soup. But of what, I don’t know, and I highly doubt this is even cream.” I lifted the spoon in the bowl and let some soup fall off the spoon and it was runny, gloopy, and filmy at the same time.

“Don’t eat that slop. I’ll get food for us on the way back. The doctor’s releasing you. You can get dressed.”

“My father?”

“Escorted him out. I need to make a call while you’re getting dressed. I’ll be back in 10.”

I nodded and watched him leave. He looked super pissed. Dread worked its way through me.

After directions and a prescription for the epi pen, which had been filled already, I was on my way out the door with Tommy.

He clicked the button to unlock the door to his Jeep and we got in and he let out a big breath, “How are you feeling?”

“Fine,” I told him, “Can you stop at the store?”

“Yeah, I was already planning to get something for us to eat later. What do you want me to stop for?” he pulled out of the hospital parking lot and onto the main road.

“Graham crackers and chocolate bars and marshmallows,” I told him, “Since you got me poisoned, you at least owe me some s’mores,”

He caressed my cheek and looked like he visibly relaxed.

“And worms,” I added, “For more fishing.”

He rolled his eyes, “I’ve created a monster.”

“So…” I said after a moment of silence.

His jaw tightened, “Your father said a few things about his history with my father. And he’s got an ulterior motive giving me the information. I’m going to give my PI the info.”

“And that information is…” I asked.

He shook his head, “No point bringing it up until I know if he’s bullshitting or not.”

He had a point. “Tommy, there’s something I didn’t tell you. You may know about this but you may not...”

He pulled over to the soft shoulder with a squeal of the brakes, startling me.

“What?” he spat.

I grabbed my chest and I must’ve blanched because his hardened expression softened, marginally, and he motioned with his hands for me to speak.

“When I sorted through my things in your basement I found a photograph of my mother with your father from when they were like teenagers in one of my albums. They looked like they might’ve been together.”

His expression was unreadable to me for a moment, then he said, “Anything else?”

I shook my head.

“Why didn’t you tell me this?”

“I didn’t know what the connection was, what the truth was, and I… didn’t trust you.”