“Glad to meet you,” I said. And then I almost lost my shit totally because coming up the corridor directly behind the Crenshaws was Gregory Fucking O’Connor. I’d seen his picture before. He was looking at me, looking like he wanted to shit his pants.

“We called Tia’s father,” Rose Crenshaw said, shooting more eye daggers at me.



Hoh, boy…did I ever feel like shit. Tommy was like a scary psychotic madman trying to get me help when we got here. And he’d been here since last night doting on me, holding my hand while I slept. Yelling at nurses to make sure I had more pillows, more blankets, etc., etc. He was like the worst den mother I’d ever seen.

I was getting out of here today, the doctor feeling like I had everything under control, and he told me I needed to carry an epi pen with me all the time. I’d always found it easy to keep my allergy under control because I never ate in fancy places where they didn’t understand you when you asked them about their ingredients. Now things were obviously different.

Tommy told me, this morning, we’d go back and relax for the day at the loft, if I wanted, and then we’d go home tomorrow and pack for the trip to Vegas. The quiet of the loft sounded good to me and maybe then seeing the bright lights and sin city would be fun. The only place I’d ever been was Florida that once and the idea of travel really appealed to me.

My hospital room door opened and it was Rose and Cal. I felt my heart constrict. Did Tommy know they were here? Where was he? Rose quickly hugged me and Cal stood behind her.

“How are you, Tia?” Cal asked. Rose dabbed her eyes with a tissue in her hand at the sight of me.

“I’m fine, don’t worry. Good as new.”

“I know you’re fine from the allergic reaction but what about everything else?” she asked, her eyes landed on my hand and widened at the sight of the engagement ring.

“Actually, I’m really good.” I tried to reassure her. I had to oversell it so that they’d just back off. Plus I was pretty good, all things considered, “Things are working out after all.”

She opened her mouth to speak but I stopped her, “Seriously. I’m good. I think we’re getting married in a few weeks and I’d like you to both be there.” I smiled at her.

Her mouth dropped open and she looked at me like I was a puzzle to her.

I looked to Cal and as I said, “I hope you’ll consider doing the favor of giving me away? If it’s not too much to ask,” The door opened and Tommy walked in with his hands in his pockets. He didn’t look surprised to see them. I let out the breath I’d been half holding.

Cal looked back at Tommy and then to his wife. He looked a little perplexed but like he was trying not to show it. Rose was giving Tommy an evil eye.

“Maybe before then we could get a rain check on that lunch or brunch idea. So you can get to know Tommy?” I said quickly.

“I’d be honored to walk you down the aisle, Tia. Thank you but wouldn’t you rather your own Dad. He’s---”

“You’ve been like a Dad to me. He’s only biologically my father, Cal. You’ve been there for me, helping me with my homework, being stable and reliable…”

(Not selling me to the mafia…)

Lines crinkled around his eyes and he nodded, “Thank you. I’d be happy to.” Then his gaze swept over to Tommy and I bet he was thinking that he’d rather me not be marrying at this age and not be marrying this guy.

I looked at Tommy and smiled and patted the side of the bed that was opposite where everyone stood. Tommy rounded the bed and sat on the edge and put his hand on mine.

Rose and Cal both looked a little confused. Rose’s face was red.

“You have another visitor, baby.” Tommy said as he leaned over and kissed my temple.


“Your father,” he said and my expression dropped.

“If you don’t want to see him…” he started.

“I don’t,” I said.

“Kay.” Tommy rose and left the room.

Rose winced as she watched him leave, “He’s intense.”