
That she’d gone from angry and broody to wanting to play got my heart pumping. Maybe she had more in common with me than she realized.

I’d allowed her to have her moment, her hissy fit, because although I wanted her obedience and her submission I also didn’t want to extinguish that fire in her that I liked so much. I’d always been one-sided in sating my desires. Sure, I’d get the woman I was with off, too, I got off on that, but I’d never gone out of my way to make sure that beyond getting an orgasm, that I cared what she felt like afterwards. Playing with Tia, playing a game that got us both going? She was showing me that this got her juices flowing. This was different. I liked it. Thrill of the chase? Fuck yeah; it was a thrill.

She’d gone counter clockwise around the barn so I stayed out front, crouched low against the wall. As she ran past me, I watched her pass me and counted to three in my head and then was hot on her heels.

She squealed at the sight of me and ran faster toward the house. She looked gorgeous. As she ran, her already loose ponytail came completely undone and now her hair was flowing freely in the breeze. She kicked off her flip flops so she could gain more speed and then as she took off faster, I quickened my own pace. She passed the house, which was on the front of about 83 untended acres. I knew she’d come upon stone ruins and tear up her bare feet within a minute or two of running so decided to catch her before she got to the rocky area of the property.


He was gaining on me and the thrill of it was making my heart race, my face flush, and my body tingle all over. As I rounded the house and got to the back I could see it was a little overgrown with grass and some more wildflowers and there was a combination of open fields, stone paths, and treed areas behind the farmhouse. I could head toward the trees if I went right, or if I went straight ahead it looked mostly clear but hilly. To my left was the barn, the pond, and the huge field of flowers.

I decided to run toward the trees. Not many paces in that direction he caught me by the waist and tackled me to the ground but yet he did it sort of gently, breaking my fall so that I landed on him instead of on the ground. As soon as we landed, he flipped and then he was on top of me and had my wrists pinned above my head. We were both heaving but I’d say I was heaving a lot heavier than he was.

“Gotcha,” he said in a low and husky voice. The sun’s rays were right behind his head and it was almost like they were bursting from him. He looked almost angelic to me. His whiskey colored eyes sparkled, the corners of his mouth turned up into a big smile, his slightly stubbly jaw looking rugged, and his muscles looking particularly defined.

I tried to catch my breath. I wasn’t struggling, just laying limp in the tall grass with my arms pinned above my head looking up at his beauty. I felt an itch on my nose so I reached, about to move my arm and his grip tightened and his eyes, though still sparkling, had a sudden shift, like they’d tinted with a bit of a challenge. I tilted my head to my shoulder and used my shoulder to try to eradicate the itch on my nose.

“Whenever you ru

n,” he said with a hint of darkness, “I’ll catch you.”

I felt my heart constrict for a beat and he must’ve seen my expression shift because then he smiled and nuzzled my throat, I think, trying to salvage the moment. Would it always be like this with him? Seesawing between light and dark? How could I keep up?


She’d stiffened under me and I knew that she had gone into the darker recesses of her mind; she’d gone to that place that said she was my prisoner. I needed her to know she was mine completely but I wanted her to want it. She clearly wasn’t there yet. I was pushing, probably too hard. She’d been shot at, kidnapped, and had her entire world turned upside down because she was mine and it’d take some getting used to. She was doing so good so far, all things considered, and I didn’t want a setback. I had to be patient. We’d get there. And the journey would be fan-fucking-tastic.

“Rough or sweet?” I said into her ear, wanting, for some inexplicable reason, for her to feel in control right now. I looked into her eyes and tried to show her the tenderness I felt for her.

“Rough,” she answered very softly and it made my heart soar. Her giving me control wanting rough, when she could keep it sweet, when she could keep control of me was such a gift. She was made for me.

I gave her a little smile and she must’ve read my mind because she swallowed hard and looked like she might’ve wanted to backpedal. That hesitation, the fear in her eyes, it got me hard. So hard.


I didn’t understand why I was opting for dominating Tommy when he was offering to be ice cream parlor Tommy but I craved rough right now. I wanted him to pound me hard, to pull my hair, to spank me. What on earth was wrong with me?

Maybe I felt like I’d wanted to beat myself up after finding out Dad sold me down the river…again. Maybe having Tommy pull the pain out of me would help me find the release I needed, would pull it out from where it was, sitting in the middle of my gut, clawing at my stomach. I wanted to feel it fully so I could then let it go.

Was it screwed up to want the pain to be real and tangible instead of inside me? Maybe. Probably. But then I could feel it and let it out. I wanted release. And I hoped that like other times that afterwards he’d hold me and caress me, let me have a cathartic release. And he’d get something out of it, too. I tingled at the idea of pleasing him.

His grip on my wrists tightened and he started grinding his hard cock against me. Then he let go of my wrists but grunted, “Don’t move,” into my ear. He unzipped my denim skirt and shimmied it off my hips. Then he grabbed the waistband of my baby blue cotton panties and ripped them clean off of me, tearing them somewhere. The tearing sound startled me, making this morph from hot to sordid, dirty. I reached quickly in modesty but he warned, “I said don’t move,” his eyes changed, got even more intense. He pinned my wrists above my head with one hand. I felt so exposed out here in the open air.

Then he undid his pants and freed his cock and in one move, rammed it into me to the hilt. I gasped. He gathered the length of my hair into his fist and used it to pull my face to his cheek and started hammering into me. His other hand went under my rear end and he held me by it, digging his fingers into my flesh and it hurt. That hurt, the ground wasn’t exactly soft, and he was pulling my hair but then the sensation inside of me, the sensation of him plunging in over and over, was good. Real good. He got my earlobe between his teeth and he wasn’t biting hard but his hot breath in my ear sent tingles over my body in waves. I willed the tension to leave my body and when I felt that moment of surrender, that moment of just giving myself over to what he was doing, it felt like a release. Even if it was sordid and dirty it was what I needed right now.

He let go of my bottom and then his fingers were between us, rubbing my clit. I opened my eyes and saw the clouds moving over us in the sky, saw birds in flight, and my nostrils were filled with scents of grass, of loam, of my arousal, of Tommy’s spicy warm scent. I was ready to climax, my breathing getting shallow and faster, but then he stopped. Just stopped. He pulled out and his fingers left me and he looked down at me with a wicked look in his eyes, “Do you want to come?”

I must’ve stared blankly at him in my shock.

“Do you?” he repeated.

I nodded a little. It felt like my heart rate was moving to a dangerously high tempo. How fast was it going? Double, triple? He arched a brow and leaned back, breaking contact completely.

“Tommy,” I croaked out, my voice hoarse. Tears stung my eyes. I wanted release. I didn’t want to be teased right now. It was like he knew how badly I needed it and was reveling in this moment where I was ready to beg for it. He grabbed my rear end and then slammed into me once and then pulled out. A tear slid down my cheek. He kissed it away.

“What do you say?” he asked.