“Wrestling on the beach with a golden retriever puppy,” I said and shrugged. I caught my reflection in a mirror on the wall in the foyer. My hair was windblown and I was barefoot without an ounce of lipstick remaining on my mouth and my eye makeup was a little bit raccoonish, “Oh, I’m a mess!”

She smiled, looking surprised and pleased.

“No, you’re beautiful. You can punch the clock, Sarah.” Tommy said, “I don’t need anything else tonight. Where’s Earl?”

“He’s out back. I’ll tell him you’re in,” she was smiling at him, a sort of goofy grin.

“Alright. I don’t need to see him; I just wanted to know if it was him on patrol. Lock the door on your way through the kitchen.”

“Alright. And yes, until midnight, then Marco relieves him,” her smile was still big.

“Alright,” He looked at her strangely.

Patrol. There were men here, guarding. Were they doing more than making sure I wasn’t escaping? I’d seen enough mafia movies to know that most mafia families considered themselves under threat from some enemy or another most of the time.

“Let’s go,” he said to me and took my hand, then we headed up the stairs leaving her standing there still smiling goofily.

Following him up to the master bedroom felt ominous. No sooner had I shut the door behind myself than he’d pinned me against it. He wasn’t touching me with his hands as both palms were flat against the door but his hips were against me and I was stuck. He was breathing heavily, looking down at me. I looked up into his eyes and swallowed hard. It seemed like an eternity passed before he finally spoke.

“So?” he breathed. He threw his suit jacket on the floor and then undid the silver chain around his neck and tucked it into his pants pocket. Then he undid the buttons of the dress shirt and shook it off, then held it in his hand. He did all this while continuing to pin me with his hips. I felt his erection against my stomach.

I took a deep breath. I was torn between wanting to stare at his beautifully sculpted naked upper body and looking away due to the darkening look in his eyes. Obviously our little date was over and now he was back to being himself. Ice Cream Parlor hottie was long gone, if he’d ever even been there at all.

“Think you passed tonight?”

I regarded him for a second, trying to read his eyes. They were smoldering with something. Was it passion? Was it anger? Was it both? Whatever it was, I didn’t like it.

“I …” I started to answer but was lost for words.

“You’re a damn fine actress,” he said, shaking his head, and then he caressed my cheek with just a graze of the back of his hand. The touch was gentle but the look on his face --- it wasn’t. I could feel heat coming off his body and I felt lightheaded. I didn’t say anything.

“Aren’t you the perfect little liar?” he looked upset. Oh no.

“How am I a liar; I wasn’t lying,” I whispered.

He looked at me in disbelief. His face looked on the verge of turning from upset to a sneer and a sneer couldn’t possibly bode well for me.

“I was pretending,” I said quickly, feeling like I was in very dangerous territory.

“What’s the difference?” he frowned at me, “There’s no difference.”

“You told me to behave a certain way and I did. What did I do wrong?” I was trying to not sound snarky. I was trying to not provoke him.

“Nothing. You were perfect.” He looked at me with sourness.


Why was I so pissed off?

Because if this girl could, on a dime, play me like this, make it feel that real, I was in serious fucking trouble. She’d already dinged my armor somehow. She was looking up at me with huge eyes and a trembling lip asking what she’d done wrong and truthfully, I didn’t know how to answer her because she’d done just what I’d told her to do. She’d done a masterful job of acting like she wanted to be with me. I felt this guilt sweep through me. I didn’t fucking like it. I pushed it away.

“Do you really want to know what the difference is?” she asked me.

“Yeah, why don’t you enlighten me?”

I needed a fucking drink.
