h. I could try to walk out and leave but what would happen if I did? All the scary dudes and the gates and everything made me think it’d just be a waste of my time. But there had to be a way out of this. Could I reason with this guy?


I stepped into the bedroom a few hours later and she was sitting on my bed, watching TV. The sight of this girl in my bed stirred my sex drive big time. She’d taken whatever held her hair up out so that it was now hanging down her back like a glossy curtain. Her shoes were still on the floor and she had her feet tucked under herself and was against my pillows, hugging one against herself. Her eyes were a little puffy, most of her make-up gone. She’d been crying.

Her eyes widened at the sight of me. I strolled to the other side of the bed and sat down beside her. I could see she was trying to stay frozen in place but she was failing. She was trembling. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a heart-shaped black velvet ring box. I put it on the bed between us. She looked at the box like it might bite her.

“You’re not ready to wear it yet, that’s fine. I’ll put it on the table and we’ll discuss later. Our engagement’s contingent on several things, we’ll see how it goes, but in the meantime there are a few rules. Want a drink? We can discuss.”

She closed her eyes and nodded. I could see that a tear had squeezed out. She was chewing her juicy-looking bottom lip. I was so fucking turned on right now.

Before I could calculate the move, the back of my hand touched the tear. She winced. Involuntarily, I groaned low in my throat. It must’ve sounded like a growl to her. Goosebumps rose on her arms. I pulled my hand back, got up, then walked to the wet bar, dropping the ring box on the dresser on the way.

My room was fairly self-contained. There was a small fridge, a fully stocked bar, an office area, sitting area, ensuite bathroom, and doors that led to a balcony that had a hot tub and stairs that led down to the backyard where there was a pool and patio. Pop had bought me this house and presented it to me a few months ago on my 29th birthday as a surprise. I had money to buy my own house, with cash even, but had been content living in the condo. In hindsight, I should’ve known that this, the engagement, was the next step. It had five other bedrooms, quarters for staff, and a two bedroom pool house. Why did I need all this space unless I was starting a family? I was still getting used to the house, having people around all the time.

He’d been inching me toward taking the next step for well over 2 years and now he was gifting me with a bride so that I could easily step in without raising anyone’s eyebrows at his choice to hand me the reins. It’d be my wedding and his retirement party all on the same day.

I poured 2 glasses of red wine and handed her a glass. She now sat with her legs dangling over the edge of my bed and she had a look on her face that told me she was trying to hold it together despite wanting to fall apart. This trait would serve her well as my wife. Through her black stockings I could see that her toes were painted red, the same as her fingertips. Her lips had been the same color when she’d arrived but her lipstick was now gone. I could barely restrain myself to wait to taste those lips and make those toes curl.

“Come.” I grabbed her hand and led her to the sofa. She pulled her hand away but sat beside me. I noticed she wouldn’t look me in the face. I wanted her to.

“It’s unfortunate that your father put you in this situation,” I said, “And I have no respect for what he did. But that said, this is the situation. You were given to me as a gift. That makes you mine.”

She blanched. My heart rate picked up with excitement but I wouldn’t show her that excitement yet, “So, it’s important to me that you understand and follow my rules. Not following these rules is dangerous. Deadly.”

She kept her eyes focused on the carpet.

“Rule number 1, I own you.” Shock flashed across her eyes as they finally met mine and I felt it in the groin so I said it again, “This means exactly what it sounds like. I own you. You’re mine. Mine to do what I want with. This means you obey my orders. If not, you face consequences. Being mine means that if I want you marrying me and I choose to give you everything that’s mine, that’s what happens. If it means keeping you in my bedroom and using you however I want, never letting you see the light of day, that’s what it means. If it means shipping you off somewhere and selling you to a pimp in Bangkok or Tijuana who wants to turn you into a five dollar whore that’s what it means. You need to understand the gravity here and come to terms with this as soon as possible. The sooner, the better. Any privilege or comfort you get is because I allow it. I can take it away. All of it. Do you understand?”

She didn’t answer me. She looked back down at the floor and her chin started quivering.

“The concept of ownership might be foreign to you but it’s a concept you need to learn fast,” I said, “Tia, look at me.”

She looked up and what I saw in her eyes was pure and utter defiance. Perfect. A muscle in my cheek involuntarily twitched. I wasn’t ready to reveal all my cards yet but she needed a glimpse. And I wanted to push her, see what she’d do.

I stood up and continued, “Because I own you, I’ll do what I want to you. Since you chose not to answer my question, I’ll reiterate: if that means that I want you to wear my ring and have my babies with the run of this house, you’ll do it. If it means you simply stay tied to my bed until I get tired of fucking you, so be it. I’m in charge. You obey me, things go well. You defy me --- they don’t.”

Fear flickered in her eyes for a beat but she continued to stare up at me, right into my eyes, trying to be brave. I liked it. I liked it a lot. Yeah, I’m a sick fucker. And the only thing scarier than a sick fucker is a sick fucker with power. If I was going to have to marry to get all the power, I’d damn well get as much pleasure as possible from it. Fear and defiance rolled up in one? She was perfect. Maybe that’s why I’d waited so long. This was coming for me. Her.

Yeah, Dare was right; Pop did do good with this choice for me. In that moment I was feeling something that felt like it must’ve been bliss because she was mine and I could feel it deep inside. John Lewis was right about the rush here. I’d never felt this level of excitement, this sense of ownership, with a woman before. I was standing in front of her, towering over her, and I was going to wipe that defiance right off her face.

“Do you understand?”

She didn’t answer me. Her eyes narrowed.

I snickered and continued, “I’ll let it sink in for a moment, then. Rule #2, you reveal nothing to anyone about anything that you see, hear, or suspect to do with my business activities, my family, my personal life, or my preferences. You don’t discuss me with people outside of my family or my house and you don’t disclose information about me or what happens in this house or especially in this bedroom with anyone, including people inside my family or my house. The rules are simple. I’m in charge and you keep your mouth shut. The rest, we will figure out as we go. I hope you’re a smart enough girl that I don’t need to lay out consequences. Hearing about who I am you probably have an idea of what I’m capable of. If you don’t, you will soon enough. You shouldn’t test your limits with me. I’m not a patient guy and I like doling out punishments. A lot.”

She closed her eyes. Now she was trembling not so subtly. Fuck, my cock was straining against my pants. I sipped my wine, strode over to close the blinds on the doors that led to the deck, and turned back around to look at her. She hadn’t touched her wine. She sat there holding the glass, eyes squeezed shut tight. Then she took a deep breath and looked up and stared me right in the eye. The girl hadn’t said anything yet but she had balls. I could see it. I looked forward to some sparring.

I unbuttoned my shirt the rest of the way and shrugged to let it drop. Her eyes never wavered from mine but I saw her swallow hard. I sauntered toward her.

She shakily raised the glass of wine to her lips and tipped it back and drank it all at once. Then she slammed the glass down on the coffee table and stood. She eyed me from head to toe to head again. It made my heart rate pick up. She was ready to fight with me.


I summoned as much inner strength as I could muster, despite wanting to cower and weep, and I glared at him. I glared hard, “If you think for one fucking second that you can just steal my life from me you’ve got another---”

He cut me off, physically. In an instant he lunged from several feet away to in front of me, his hand around my throat. He held my throat and then pushed me up against a wall. He towered over me. He stared down at me, breathing heavily, his lips an inch from my temple, his hand still against my throat, not squeezing but possessive, making a point, “You are so fucking sexy,” he said slowly in a low and scary voice, his eyes burning into me. His body was flush against me and his erection poked me in the abdomen, “I can’t wait to be inside of you.”