Now it was morning, no hang on, afternoon --- I’d slept 11 hours, and I had to debrief some people, including Dare, my father, and then get to work to ensure that our own housekeeping was in order, that there weren’t any other traitors around, and that Tia would be safe. Then there was some business to organize based on new developments down south.

But I wasn’t going to get out of bed --- not yet. Not until I felt her body wrapped around me again, her beautiful green eyes looking at me without fear or contempt. I rolled over and surprisingly found her still there beside me, still asleep. I started to kiss from her collarbone downwards. She opened her legs for me before her eyes even opened, making my groin and my chest ache. She was so fucking perfect and there was no way I’d allow anyone to take her from me again.


What a reunion. And what a morning after. Ho boy; he was all over me, waking me up with his tongue just like that first morning. What a way to wake up! I had a fleeting thought about the fact that he’d eventually want me to reciprocate. I’d never had a problem doing that with Nick or with the few other guys I’d been with but now? After what had happened with that guy in Mexico? I didn’t even know his name. I didn’t want to know. I wanted to forget. There was so much I wanted to forget but so much I didn’t think I could ever put out of my mind completely.

“Baby?” he was looking up at me.

I hadn’t realized it but I was crying while he was doing that to me. He settled beside me and pulled me to his chest,

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Sorry,” I said softly and wiped my eyes with my fingertips.

“What?” he gave me a squeeze.

“So much,” I whispered into his chest.

“Tell me,” he kissed my forehead.

I was surprised that he had stopped. I was surprised that he was looking at me with so much tenderness.

“It’s a lot to get into five seconds after waking up.” And I don’t know if I can even say these things to you.

“Talk. Start somewhere.”

“I’m still a bit shell shocked, I guess, after what happened. After everything,” I swept my hand back and forth in front of me.

“Understandable,” he said.

“I’m overwhelmed and I want, need, answers. Answers about this debt and how it originated and I need to know what’ll happen next. With my dad, with my life. With… you.”

“Uh huh.”

“And you. I want to ask you what happened in Mexico but I don’t. I don’t know if you want to talk about it or if I even want to know. It feels like you went to hell and back.”

He nodded, “I did.”

“My head is just full.” And I didn’t know how I felt about him, about us but I didn’t know how to articulate that.

He nodded again, “I’m gonna go get us some coffee, okay? But first I need to do something?”


“Need to fuck you, baby.” His words sounded harsh but then his mouth turned up in the beginnings of a smile.

I laughed, “Romance is officially dead.”

He smiled at me and then raised his brows, “Yeah, isn’t it? For instance, I’ll try not to let it ding my ego too much that my going down on you just drove you to tears. Just let me, like super-fast, if you don’t mind? I promise not to be super-fast too often but this time, I think I just need to...” he pushed his fist forward in the air.

I laughed harder. He was being so playful. His eyes were filled with light. He looked totally adorable. He was beautiful. Before I knew what I was doing I’d reached to put my palm on his cheek. He needed a sh


He pounced on top of me, his eyes full of amusement.

“Feel free,” I said, “Since you’re here anyway.” I scrubbed my fingers along the stubble at his jaw.