The dark-haired one leaned over and air kissed both of my cheeks, “I’m Lisa, I guess I’ll be your mother-in-law soon?” They all cackled like it was the funniest thing they’d ever heard.

“Monster in law more like!” said Tessa, then she approached me warily. She’d stepped out of the embrace of one of the guys that’d been in Mexico with us. Clearly he was her husband. I eyed her apologetically and was about to speak. She shh’d me and pulled me into a hug and whispered, “Forget about it. Glad you’re okay.”

“Let the poor girl in!” Dario told them, “Give her some space!”

“Get outta here, you!” Luciana shoved at him, “Go home. We’ve got this.”

“Nope, got orders to stay here until Tommy is back. James, you can head out.”

James was Tessa’s husband, I guessed. He was the guy who’d signaled us at the car and he was in Mexico. Dressed in a dark suit, he was a tall, dark, good looking guy. He kissed Tessa on the lips briefly and whispered something in her ear and she nodded. Then he left.

The girls bodily pulled me into the kitchen where Sarah was putting a plate of sandwiches on the table. She put the plate down and then took me into her arms like I was her long lost child, “Look at you, Chiquita! Are you okay? We’re so glad you’re safe!”

I gave her a little smile, “I’m okay.”

Luciana sat down on a chair and picked up a sandwich, “So you were kidnapped and taken to Mexico? That must’ve been awful!”

“Shhh,” Lisa said, “Leave it.”

“Yes, leave it,” Tessa added, “She’s been through enough in the past few days. Let the girl relax.

Dario reached over and took a sandwich and then got a drink out of the fridge,

“Drink, Tia?”

“Thanks, just water,” I answered.

They all started to babble about things like food, about the size of Luc’s stomach, about the weather, about the last episode of the Bachelorette on TV. It was noisy, it was hectic, it was nice. It reminded me of Rose and Cal’s. I let out a long breath. I wondered how they were. I wondered about my Dad, too. Had Tommy followed him t

o the mall and then had someone hold him back? Had Tommy found me before my Dad got there? I still wanted to hear that explanation from my father about all of this. I’d talk to Tommy about contacting my Dad when he was back.

For the next few hours I listened the girls giggle and watched them eat the plate of sandwiches, then devour a fruit tray, and then eat a giant bag of pretzels. Sarah was right in there laughing and hooting and howling and Dario sat on the counter and shook his head mostly. I realized that no one had asked where Tommy was. Did they know he was taking care of business? Were they here to keep me company and pass the time so I wouldn’t be pacing the floors wondering if he was okay? Was he okay? What would happen to me if he wasn’t?

Tessa leaned over and patted my shoulder and illustrated some mind-reading skills, “He’ll be fine. That brother of ours is tougher than nails. Trust me! He’s tougher than Pop, even, and Pop is one tough motherfucker.”

The others were all nodding. This is exactly what they were doing. They were rallying together during a crisis. All of a sudden, Sarah held her cell phone in front of Lisa and Lisa squirmed, “That’s disgusting!”

Sarah almost tipped her chair over laughing so hard and I glanced over and realized she was still fixated on the picture of all the old men in the speedo bathing suits.

“Ah c’mon Lisa, we all know that’s what you’re into,” Dario said and everyone including Lisa started to laugh uncontrollably. I laughed too because it was pretty funny that they were all here laughing at the expense of Lisa’s husband, the girls’ and Dario’s father, a powerful mobster.

My back was to the entrance to the kitchen at this point and suddenly the room hushed. I saw everyone looking stone-faced past me. I looked back and Mr. Ferrano was in the doorway. He was in a black suit and looked solemn.

They all had a horrified look on their faces, like he was here with bad news.

Oh no. My belly dipped and not in a good way.

“What’s so fuckin’ funny?” he broke the tension, “Share. I like jokes.”

Everyone except me howled with laughter. Sarah fell off her chair this time and Lisa fell, too, trying to help Sarah up. Dario was sitting on the counter but doubled over holding his gut, and Luc piped up, “I think I just peed a little.” The fits of laughter roared louder.

Mr. Ferrano walked over to the coffee maker and stared at it, then looked down at Sarah who was still on the floor tangled up with Lisa, “Guess I’ll get myself a coffee. Would you like a coffee, Sarah?” his eyebrows perked up at her. He didn’t look like those old guys but math said he had to have about 25 years on Lisa!

“Everyone wants coffee! Except Luciana. You can make her a hot chocolate.” Sarah beamed at him.

“What’s up, Pop?’ Dario said.

“I’ll make the espresso and then we’ll chat for a minute, son. I just came to pick up Lisa, mostly, and to check on Athena. You okay?” He looked at me and his face was kind, seemed genuine, he seemed different from how he was when I met him that first day. My thoughts flickered to him and my Mother. I nodded, chewing my cheek.