“Good,” he whispered against my forehead and then kissed it, “Might as well have been a virgin then. I want to gut anyone who has had their sorry excuse for a cock inside you.” He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him, then said, “Play your cards right and this big hard cock is the only one you’ll ever have inside you again.” The seriousness on his face struck fear down in my gut. Then his tongue was in my mouth. I wanted to pull away. I didn’t want to taste myself on him. But he wasn’t letting me move. He kept pushing deep into me down below, his tongue tracing across my lips, darting inside. His lips were strong, demanding.

“Wrap your arms and legs around me, baby,” he whispered.

I was frozen.

“Now,” he grunted and my arms and legs obeyed him. I didn’t want this but if I fought it I was sure it would turn violent and happen anyway.

“Ahhh, you feel so good Athena; you are a goddess. You’re so fucking tight,” He grunted this into my neck.

I just laid there, letting him do that to me. I felt like I was splitting in two. Half of me felt what he was doing to me and it felt good, so good. This must be what sex was really supposed to feel like, except that it was missing the emotional component and probably shouldn’t have this fear component. Under my hands I felt his muscles ripple. Under my calves I felt his butt clench as he drove into me. His body was so muscular and strong. This wasn’t a boy; this was a man, a man who knew how to make me feel good, a man I was petrified of.

The other half of me wanted to float away somewhere else. If I’d risen above my body and looked down I’d have seen that my eyes were staring at the ceiling, wet with unshed tears. This sensation in my body was real and it was intense but it wasn’t what I wanted to feel. I wanted to disappear into thin air. I thought back to my fantasies about him and felt real remorse for ever wanting to be underneath him. I started to sob. Loud.

He started pushing harder and harder and then gyrated his hips and hit something inside of me that made me jolt. My mouth was wide and I’d let out a little moan and staggered breaths and my legs were shaking --- hard. Suddenly he grabbed me roughly by the hair and held my cheek to his cheek. I let out a cry of pain and then he came inside of me, moaning loud and the sound of that, it made every nerve in my body prickle. Then he fell limply onto me, out of breath.

“Fuck!” he growled into my ear, and then nuzzled hard all over my face and neck and chest, rubbing his rough stubbly face all over me. It made goose bumps rise all over my body again. He ripped the shirt I had on wide open and sucked one of my nipples into his mouth and moaned loudly. Then he let go and gathered me to him and flipped over, holding me tight against his side, brushing my hair away from my face with his fingertips on one hand and sliding his fingers from behind though the moisture between my legs with the other hand. I shuddered.

“Good morning, gorgeous,” his voice was husky, sleepy. He leaned over so I could see his face and gave me a dazzling smile while he kept rubbing with his fingers. His fluid was leaking out of me as he continued to rub rhythmically back and forth over the seam of my vagina and spreading it all over that area.

I started breathing shallowly again as sensation began to re-build. I think my eyes were rolling back into my head again and I was inches away from coming again. I fisted the bed sheet. But then he pulled his hand away, “Naw, you’ve had enough for now. Wouldn’t wanna spoil you. But I could get used to waking up like this, huh?” He kissed me behind my earlobe and then sucked my earlobe into his mouth for a second and made a victorious-sounding growl in my ear.

I think I must’ve looked back at him like he was an alien or something because he waited for a beat, eyeing me, then burst out laughing. He gave my bottom a stinging slap while biting his lower lip, and then pulled away from me, getting out of bed,

“Aren’t you full of surprises?” he

asked, crawling backwards out of the bed until he stood at the foot of it and looked down at me, naked and his body glistening a little bit with sweat, “I know vanilla is your favorite flavor but just so you know, that’s probably the one and only time you’ll ever get it,” he winked at me and sauntered, naked, to the bathroom. I heard the shower spring to life.

I bolted upright, feeling my heart pound against my chest and my eyes scanned the room.

I have got to get out of here. Could I make a run for it now and get away from this psycho?

My dress was in his bathroom, ripped. My shoes were still here on the floor but all I had on was his blue dress shirt. I threw the covers back and my panties were still around one of my ankles. I pulled them out of the mess of tangled up sheets and went into his walk-in closet and rifled through drawer after drawer, looking for pants. I found a drawer of t-shirts and took one and put it on. I took another and used it to wipe the mess between my legs. I threw it toward a hamper and it missed. I pulled a pair of Tommy’s track pants out of another drawer and put them on, rolling the cuffs up until they were to my knees. I decided to abandon my killer heels. I never wanted to see them again after the day I had wearing them. The water was still running and my vagina was still throbbing with raw sensation.

I grabbed my purse from where it’d been tossed on the floor last night, darted out of the bedroom, tying the drawstring around the waist of the pants as I ran, and took off down the stairs. I dashed out the front door and a house alarm started instantly and piercingly betraying me. Then I saw the Michael Clarke Duncan-looking guy leaning against Tommy’s car, doing something on his phone. His chin lifted and then he was looking right at me.

My heart thudded wildly. Damn it; I hadn’t thought this through. He quirked his eyebrows up, clearly aware I was trying to escape and probably taking in my disheveled appearance and probably frantic look. This place was gated all the way around, by the looks of it. The guy stepped away from the car and headed in my direction. I couldn’t see how I’d get out with the property being gated and even if I’d found a way out what would happen to my father? I had a feeling I didn’t know the whole story and one wrong move and it could mean he got killed and I would never even find out the whole story. I certainly didn’t want to piss this big scary guy off so I put my head down, turned around, and headed back into the house. When I closed the door I leaned against it, breathless. I stood there for a minute, my mind racing.

What could I do? I needed to get out of here. Should I find a phone now and call the police? But then they’d kill my father. Maybe they’d kill me, too. Or ship me off to some foreign place to be a sex worker.

I stood there for I don’t know how long, my hands over my ears, and not knowing what to do and then he was coming down the stairs, holding his phone to his ear and wearing just a towel. He passed me and then was pushing buttons on a panel on the wall by the door. The alarm’s screeching halted. He looked at me with what looked like an amused look on his face, “Thanks. Yep, got it under control.” He ended his call, “Looks like you tripped the alarm on your way out for a stroll, huh? Nice outfit.” He stopped in front of me. I was sure I was quite the sight barefoot in his track pants, which I could’ve swum in, and a way-too-big men’s t-shirt with no bra underneath. Where the heck was my bra? I’d gone to sleep with it on last night. I covered my chest with my arms and blew my hair out of my face.

“Why don’t you go get a shower and I’ll have my housekeeper get some breakfast together for us?”

I gave a little nod, wide-eyed and started to head for the stairs. As I passed him he caught me by my upper arm and leaned in,

“Don’t try that again,” his grip tightened painfully, “You get a pass because you pleased me so well this morning. But try that again, you won’t be able to sit down for a week.” There wasn’t a trace of humor in his eyes; his expression shook me right to the core.

I swallowed hard. This man was beautiful outside but obviously hideously ugly on the inside. He smirked like he’d read my mind and let go of my arm. I went upstairs and took a shower. I scrubbed myself for at least 20 minutes, almost frantically. I tried to wash him away but I could swear I still smelled the sex on myself.

When I came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, I noticed clothes on the end of the bed, which had been made. There was a stack of ladies’ t-shirts and tank tops, a pile of several new pairs of underwear with the tags still on, yoga pants, a pair of capris yoga pants, and a pair of denim shorts. I got dressed and sat on the bed and combed my hair with the small hairbrush from my purse. Thankfully the tank had a built-in bra. Not ideal on its own for a bigger chest like mine but better than nothing.

Someone knocked and then opened the door. An attractive Latino woman was in the doorway. She looked to be in her early to mid 40’s. She was about my size with shoulder-length wavy dark hair with copper highlights all through it. I guessed she had probably lent me some of her clothes.

“Oh good, they fit. I’m Sarah Martinez. I’m your housekeeper. Welcome, Miss O’Connor. I’ve put your underthings in the wash. The dress, can’t likely be saved, I’m afraid, but I’ll see what I can do with it. You can borrow those things until your things arrive. The panties, they’re new; you can keep those.”

She startled me and her kindness was sort of disarming. She reached out and shook my hand. She stared at my left hand for a second, probably noting I wasn’t wearing a ring. Had she actually come into the bathroom while I was showering to get my dirty clothes?

“Thank you.” I managed to say.