“Yeah, most nights. If you want. We can do one takeout night a week, maybe a pizza night, one eat out at a nice restaurant together, and the rest I can cook.”

“Oh,” he chuckled, “Laying down the law, huh?”

“Yeah,” I giggled.

“You’re the boss,” he kissed my throat, “Except I’ll cook Sunday mornings.”

I laughed, “Deal. And the boss? Me? Yeah, right.”

He laughed and winked at me, “You can be the boss of the food. What’d you do with the boys?”

“I’ll take the power where I can get it.” I winked, “I played Legos with them, did some coloring, we read a bunch of books, and I gave them a bath. What do you need to tell me?”

I hoisted myself up to sit on the countertop.

He looked at me warmly, “Thanks for that. I’m sure Tess appreciated it. I, uh, had your father moved. For the moment, he’s safe. I can’t make long term promises, but I got him moved for now.”

My eyes widened, “You did?”

“Yeah. Called in some favors.” He moved closer to me.

I threw my arms tight around his neck and whispered, “He doesn’t deserve it. But thanks, Tommy.”

“Mm hm,” he said, his voice laced with skepticism. I knew my Dad really didn’t deserve it but Tommy was doing it for me. That counted.

“Anything else?” I asked.

“I’ve decided to put the farm up for sale so maybe tomorrow or the next day you and I will go up there and pick up whatever else we left there the other day.”

My expression dropped.

“It’s not my safe house anymore. I need to find us something else.”

“I love that place.” I said and pouted.

He frowned, “You want me to keep it?”

I nodded, “Can you?”

“I can,” he said and kissed my nose, “If that’s what you want.”

“It is. It’s where you told me you were in love with me.”

He smiled.

“It’s where you played our wedding song for me.”

He smiled bigger and stroked my cheek with his thumb, his other fingers woven into my hair.

“It’s where sun rays shot out of your head when you made love to me when I was wrapped in clover,” I whispered.

He looked at me like I’d lost the plot, “Sun rays? Out my head?”

“Yeah,” I squeezed him tight against me.

“Okay, I’ll keep it. But we need another safe house.”

“Okay,” I said, “Can we spend the night there tomorrow night?”