“She’s like a cuz to me so I get it. Bee’s cool,” he answered.

“Okay she’s my cousin and like a cousin to you so that’d make you and me like cousins and that’s just…”

“Wrong!” he said.

We both laughed.

“So I told you I was gonna get a uh…Brazilian, for you,” I started.

“Mm hmmm,” he sounded like he was all dreamy-eyed.

“But Bianca says if I do we can’t have sex till tomorrow. I thought I’d better check with you before going ahead.”

“Awesome, baby.”

“No sex is awesome?”

“Checking with me for permission before closing your body down for business is awesome.” He laughed. I was glad he was in such a good mood.

“I hear it’s quite nice, the effect…” I said softly.

“It absolutely is.”

I deflated, “Gahh.”


“I don’t want to know how you know that it absolutely is. In fact it makes me very growly that you know that it absolutely is.”

“Oops sorry,” he said softly but I could hear that he was amused and maybe even enjoying my jealousy.

There was silence for a second while I pushed away thoughts of him with someone else. I heard the door chimes again, then he spoke,

“Tell ya what, you wanna do it, that’s fine. You can just take care of me tonight. I can wait till tomorrow to take care of you if I must.”

I laughed, “Oh, if you must, huh? How chivalrous of you.”

“I try.”


Bianca and Tessa both came into the room at the same time. They both looked freaked out.

“The police are here for you, Tia.” Tessa said.


“Tia!” Tommy boomed, he’d obviously heard them.

“The police are here for me,” I whispered, “I didn’t call them, Tommy. Honestly, I didn’t…” The girls were looking weirdly at me.

“Go see what they want. Don’t hang up. Give the phone to my sister.”

“Kay,” I passed the phone to Tessa and then walked stiffly out to the salon and saw two uniformed officers at the front desk.


“What’s going on?” I asked my sister.