I woke up to see Tia sitting in a chair staring out the window, wrapped in the thick hotel robe, her knees up against her chest and her hands around a steaming mug. She was blowing into the cup but staring out the window, looking deep in thought.

I watched her for a long time before she glanced in my direction. When she did, there was a flash of something, was it regret, was it fear? It punched me right in the gut but then it disappeared and she got a shy little smile on her face. Was she putting on a mask for me or was she just torn up inside with conflicting emotions just like me?

I smiled and opened my arms wide for her. She took a sip, put the cup down on the table beside her, and then climbed up onto the bottom of the bed and crawled from the end of the bed toward me slowly, the sexy little smile growing bigger the closer she got. I’d opened my arms wanting to hold her close and snuggle her tight but okay, I could deal with this, too…

She climbed up my body and pulled the blankets down past my hips with a sultry look on her face and then took my cock in her hand and made sure it was good and awake, then straddled me and pushed it inside of herself. She took the robe off and threw it back. She was still wearing my shirt from last night and only the bottom button was done up. I groaned and undid it and then pushed it off her shoulders. She closed her eyes and her lips parted as she took me deeper and then when she got me in balls deep, she took my wrists and pinned them above my head while rotating her hips with me inside of her. I let out a little chuckle and she tightened her grip on my wrists and gave me this little warning look but then wrinkled her nose at me, then continued and closed her eyes and got lost in sensation. Her gorgeous tits were over my face, I tongued a nipple. Seeing her like this was a beautiful thing to watch. A few moments later her breathing got shallow, I’d gotten an arm free, and was toying with her clit while she continued to take my cock. She tightened around me and then she started to tremble and shuddered her climax until she collapsed onto me, her mouth against my earlobe, her warm minty mingled with fresh coffee breath warming my face. I turned over, putting her onto her back and took myself home with slow and deep movements, letting the inside of her stroke me until I fell apart.

Right as I was groaning out an ‘Oh, baby,” my phone started to ring. I finished and then I flopped onto my back beside her and ignored it and just caught my breath.

Fuck, that had been beautiful. She curled into me and put her hand and cheek on my chest.

I got lost in thought for a bit, about last night, the best sex I’d had in my life, about the last few days, and about this morning, her being so bold and taking what she wanted from me like that. It was fucking sexy that she’d fucked me. I loved it.

I didn’t know whether she was being a chameleon and just trying to blend into her reality or if she’d started out playacting but was now morphing for me into who she needed to be for me, or what all this was but

whatever it was, it felt real. Her words last night undid me. She kept undoing me. I didn’t know if we were both just evolving into who we wanted to be for one another. Maybe that was the closest way to describe it. Both of us struggling through this, waiting to see where our emotions would take us, trying to figure out how to be who we were and what the other needed at the same time.

It wasn’t like me to be all fucking philosophical but I just knew that I loved her, that I wanted her, and that when she said she loved me after everything she’d been through because of me, it was like those 3 words ripped a layer of darkness that’d been around my heart and soul off like a Band-Aid. How many layers were left was something that, I supposed, remained to be seen.

Another ding of the phone made me realize I had to get out of bed and get on with the reason I was here. I grabbed the phone and checked my messages. We were heading back home this afternoon. I needed to talk to Pop and then go see Goldberg and see what his decision was. I didn’t know how he’d take the news that the Ferranos, as well as John Lewis, would not get involved in his project if Leo Denarda was even remotely a part of it.

We’d talked just briefly before I got in the cab last night and the three of us were meeting for lunch at John’s hotel room. But if he opted to work with us and turfed Denarda out, I had a pretty good idea how Denarda would take it and it’d probably mean another step up in security.

The smarmy goof had been leering at Tia last night instead of his skanky date and we’d already had a showdown of sorts where he puffed up his chest when I’d given him a look. If it weren’t for the fact that his sick uncle was an important man down here, he’d not even be at these meetings. Goldberg fucked up by even involving that crew. The guy would’ve been way better off just coming to us. But it was a timing issue, too. When the uncle croaked there’d be a power play in Vegas and it wouldn’t take long for Denarda to be out. Problem was that the uncle had been on his death bed for almost a year, not getting better but not kicking the bucket, either.

I talked to Pop on the phone in the other room while she took a bath and then when I was done I got in with her. She had the jets on and had her eyes closed.

I got in and she immediately started to scrub my back. When she was done, I leaned back against her chest and tilted my head back and looked up at her. We didn’t talk but her eyes said so much. If I was reading them right they said she and I were opening a new page, starting a new chapter. I wanted to say so much to her but right now I didn’t have the words so I just let her scrub my chest and then I reached down and pulled her calves up so that her legs were wrapped around my stomach. I massaged her feet and we just hung out for a while in the bubbles, not talking, just touching and cuddling and looking at each other, just being. It felt beautiful; it felt right. I never wanted to hurt her again; I felt bone-deep remorse over what I’d done the other night. I just prayed that she was okay, really okay.


Tommy left for a meeting and I ordered some soup and a sandwich from room service. He said he’d be back in a few hours and would take me gambling and then we had to head to the airport to catch our flight around 8:pm. I packed up our stuff and I stared at the TV but was lost in thought until he got back.

Vegas had been enlightening, to say the least. I was curious about whether or not having me see that specific act last night was intentional or whether it’d been a coincidence. Whatever the case was, I guess it happened for a reason. I was just taking things minute by minute, breath by breath. I had strong feelings for him. I felt love, I felt fear, I felt dread, but I also had hope.

When he walked back in, he was smiling, had a spring in his step. “Let’s go show you why they call it Lost Wages.”

The ringing of the slot machines and the buzz of excitement: people and glasses tinkling was overwhelming, at first. But before long I probably had dollar signs in my eyes because the slot machines were fun and addicting. But I sucked at it. I don’t know how many twenties Tommy had fed in, probably 7 or 8, maybe? Maybe more. I didn’t know. It felt bad because it felt like I was flushing his money down the toilet.

He didn’t gamble, he just hung out and watched and followed me from machine to machine. When I’d cashed out of a machine and then saw it pay out right afterwards with 1000 quarters to some old lady with a blue hair rinse I decided I wasn’t moving again until I won, or until we had to leave to catch our flight, whichever came first.

“Cash out, baby. This machine is shit.” He said this after I let him feed two twenties into it and was down to 9 quarters left without going up more than once or twice.

“One more pull.”

“You don’t have to pull, you know; you can just hit the button.”

“I like to pull.” I wrinkled my nose and glanced up at him and he was smirking. I smirked back.

“Tia, this is getting a little like fishing.”

“I’m not catching anything, though.”

“No, but remember what I had to do to get you away from that pond?”

“You’d seriously carry me out of this casino over your shoulder?”

“What do you think?”