‘Yes, well, it’s certainly served your interests,’ Raoul said.

‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

‘You didn’t have to sleep with her. You could have got her out of Dharbiri and annulled the marriage once you got home.’

Remy flashed a glare his middle brother’s way. ‘Since when is who I sleep with your business?’

Raoul held his glare. ‘If you divorce her, all hell could break loose. She could take half of your assets.’

‘I thought you said she was a nice kid?’

‘She is, but that’s not to say she wouldn’t want to get back at you for breaking her heart.’

‘I’m not breaking her heart, OK?’ Remy said in an exasperated tone. ‘What is it with you and Rafe? You fall in love and expect everyone else to do the same. She doesn’t even like me. I can’t help thinking she’s biding her time to turn things on their head. She’s smart that way. She likes having the last word and she’ll do anything to get it.’

‘Have you really got so cynical you can’t see what’s right in front of your nose?’

‘What? You think she loves me or something?’ Remy said. ‘Sorry to disappoint you, but Angelique’s a great actress. She’s no more in love with me than I am with her.’

Raoul gave him a look.

‘What?’ Remy gave another bark of a laugh but even to his ears it sounded hollow. ‘You think I’m in love with her? Come on. No offence to you and Rafe, but falling in love is not on my list of things to do. I don’t have that particular gene.’

‘It’s not a matter of genetics,’ Raoul said. ‘It’s a matter of choice. If you’re open to it, that is.’

‘Well, I choose not to be open to it. I don’t want that sort of complication in my life. I’m fine just the way I am.’

‘You’ll end up like Nonno,’ Raoul said. ‘Stuck with a houseful of obsequious servants who pretend they like him when all they do is laugh and snigger about him behind his back.’

‘I know what I’m doing, Raoul.’

‘Yeah, and you’re doing a damn fine job of it too. But, if you’re so sure of Angelique’s motives, why don’t you give her Tarrantloch now and see if she still wants to stay with you? Take a gamble, Remy—or are you too scared of losing where it matters most?’

Remy let out a tight breath as his brother limped away to join Lily, who was looking at them with a worried frown.

Poppy came over with a cup of coffee and a slice cake for Remy. ‘Have you seen Angelique?’ she asked. ‘She said she was going to the bathroom but she’s been ages. Is she OK?’

‘She’s fine. She had a stomach bug a couple of days ago.’ How many times do I have to say this? ‘She’s still getting over it.’

Poppy’s expression flickered with something. ‘Oh. I just wondered...’


‘Nothing.’ She pinched her lips together as if afraid of speaking out of turn. She put a protective hand over her belly as a rosy blush spread over her cheeks.

Remy felt like someone had just slammed him in the solar plexus. It was a moment before he could get his breath back. His mind was reeling.

‘Excuse me...’ He almost pushed Poppy out of the way as he moved past.




Why was she feeling so disappointed? It was ridiculous of her to feel so deflated. Why was she thinking about little dark-haired babies when she stood to gain squillions from parading around in bridal wear on every catwalk in Europe?

Because she didn’t want to be a pretend bride.