‘You hurt him far more by taking Tarrantloch off him,’ Angelique said. ‘And of course by marrying me. That really stung. He won’t get over that in a hurry.’

His expression turned rueful. ‘Yes, well, my grandfather isn’t too happy about it either.’

‘You’ve spoken to him?’

‘He called when I was bringing in the bags. And it wasn’t to congratulate me.’

‘No, I expect not.’ She hooked her hands around her knees. ‘I guess the congratulations will come in thick and fast once we di


The silence was broken only by the hiss and crackle of the flames in the fireplace.

Angelique chanced a glance at him but he was staring into the fire as if it were the most befuddling thing he’d ever seen. Was he worried about their lack of a pre-nup? It was certainly a worrying thing for a man with wealth—or a woman, for that matter—to be exposed to the possibility of a financial carve-up in the event of a divorce.

The only way to avoid it would be to stay married.

Which was not something Remy would be likely to suggest, even to keep control of his fortune. He didn’t do love and commitment. He was the epitome of the freedom-loving playboy. Tying him down would be like trying to tame a lion with a toothpick.

It wasn’t going to happen.

Remy turned from the fire. ‘I don’t suppose there’s any point in asking if you’re hungry?’

Angelique unhooked her hands from around her legs. ‘I am, actually. It must be the cold wintry air. I used to eat heaps when I came here as a kid. My nanna was a fabulous cook.’

‘Your grandparents didn’t have a housekeeper?’

‘Yes, but nanna still did most of the cooking. I used to help her. I can still make a mean batch of oat cakes and flapjacks.’

He smiled a sexy smile as he held out his hand to her. ‘I’m told it can sometimes get very hot in the kitchen.’

Angelique felt a tingle in her core as his strong fingers wrapped around hers. She gave him a sultry look. ‘If you think it’s going to be too hot for you, then you should stay out of there.’

He brought her up against his body, his aroused body. Another tingle coursed through her, making her nipples stand to attention. His gaze zeroed in on her mouth for a pulsing beat. ‘I’m pretty sure I can handle it.’

She moved against him, just the once, but it made his eyes go almost black with desire. ‘You think?’

He swept her up in his arms and carried her towards the door. ‘Let’s go and find out.’

* * *

Remy slid her down his body once they got to the kitchen. Her body inflamed his; he had been burning for her ever since they’d arrived. It seemed years since he’d last made love with her but it had only been last night. And what a night that had been.

He craved her.

Ached for her.

His groin was tight with longing; he wanted to sink into her and lose himself. Block his thoughts—the rational, sensible ones, that was. He wanted to feel the magic of her touch, the way her body clenched so tightly around him as if she never wanted to let him go. He could not remember a more passionate, exciting lover. It felt different somehow...more intense; as if his skin had developed a new, overly sensitive layer that only responded to her touch.

Remy started playing with her lower lip in little tug-and-release bites. ‘How’s the heat so far?’

She snaked her arms up around his neck and threaded her fingers through his hair. ‘Not hot enough.’ She slid her tongue into his mouth and he nearly disgraced himself then and there.

He took control of the kiss, deepening the thrusts of his tongue as it chased and subdued hers. She gave little gasps and encouraging groans, her body pressing as close as she physically could. He felt her mound rubbing against his erection, a tantalising tease of the delights to come.

He lifted her up on to the kitchen bench and stood between her spread thighs. ‘You’re wearing too many clothes,’ he growled against her mouth.

She nibbled at his lips. ‘That would be because it’s below freezing outside.’