Angelique’s inner core contracted. Her breasts tingled. Her heart skipped and then raced. She ran her tongue over her suddenly dry mouth. She saw the raw, naked lust in his dark eyes. She felt it in the crackling air she was trying to drag into her lungs. She felt it in the firm grip of his steely hands as they captured her by the hips and pulled her against him.

Heat against heat.

His mouth came down, hovering just above hers. ‘This is what I want.’ He toyed with her lips in a tantalising little tug-and-release game that made her spine turn to liquid.

I want it too. So, so much!

‘And this...’ He stroked the seam of her mouth with his tongue, teasing the sensitive flesh, taking possession as soon as she opened to him.

She tried to smother a whimper but her bones were melting like an ice sculpture in the Dharbiri desert sun as he explored every corner in intimate detail. One of his hands went to the small of her back, pushing her closer to his hot, hard heat, the other deftly untying the ties of her wrap and unpeeling it from her body.

He pushed aside the satin straps of her nightgown and it slipped off her body and pooled at her feet. His hand cupped her breast, her nipple brushing against his palm, making her senses hum with delight. Need unfurled in her body, stretching like a sun-warmed cat, reaching into all of her limbs, making them soft and pliant as he crushed her to him.

Angelique tugged his shirt out of his trousers and blindly undid the buttons as her mouth fed off his. She unhitched his belt, undid his waistband, rolled down his zipper and then boldly took possession of him. He groaned into her mouth as he kicked off his shoes and stepped out of his trousers.

They stumbled back towards the bed, knocking one of the table lamps over in the process. He came down over her, his thighs trapping hers, his mouth still working its heady magic on hers.

Angelique arched her back as he left her mouth to concentrate on her breasts. The feel of his tongue and teeth on her flesh was a blissful torture. She writhed and gasped and clutched at his head.

He didn’t stop at her breasts. He went lower to the cave of her belly button, dipping in and out with his moist tongue, laving her flesh, trailing even lower.

She automatically tensed. This was so personal. So very intimate.

He calmed her with a gentle hand on her thigh. ‘Not comfortable with this?’

Angelique felt a blush crawl into her cheeks. He thought she was so hip and worldly but this was the one thing she had never felt comfortable sharing with any partner. It was all very well, pretending to have an orgasm when someone was rocking and humping above her, but this was something else. ‘Um...’

‘It’s fine, ma petite. You don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with.’

Was it the fact he had given her the freedom to say no that made her now want to say yes? She slowly met his dark gaze. ‘I’ve never done this with a partner...’

Something moved in his eyes. A flicker of surprise? Delight? ‘Do you trust me to make it good for you?’

Angelique suddenly realised she did. Hadn’t he already shown her what her body was capable of in terms of pleasure? She had never experienced anything like the supremely passionate response she had felt in his arms with anyone else. She wanted to experience this with him; this incredible intimacy would leave her with something precious and unique to remember when their marriage was over. ‘Yes...’

He gently caressed her thighs, waiting until she was open and relaxed before he traced her folds with his tongue. All of her nerves writhed and danced, twirled and fretted for more. He did it again, separating her this time, tasting her, briefly touching her clitoris to give it time to get accustomed to the sensation. He slowly built the movements of his tongue against her swollen flesh, making her shiver all over as tiny ripples began to course through her. He was patient and gentle. Experimental. Gauging her response, learning her body’s secrets and indulging her senses until she was suspended on a precipice, hovering, wanting, aching, but not quite able to take that final plunge.

‘Come for me, ma petite,’ he coaxed her softly. ‘Don’t hold back.’

‘I want to but I can’t.’

‘Yes you can.’ He stroked her tensed up thighs until they released. ‘You can do it. Just stop thinking and let go.’

Angelique fe

lt the flickering of his tongue against her and a wave of pleasure came rolling up from deep inside her. She felt every muscle in her body tighten before the final lift off. She went careening into oblivion, shuddering and shaking as the tide of release passed through her like a powerful relaxant.

Remy came back over her and pushed her wild hair back off her face. ‘Average?’

Angelique couldn’t stop a coy smile. ‘How do I know, since I don’t have anything to compare it to?’

His gave her one of his smouldering looks. ‘I can soon fix that.’

‘Wait.’ She put a hand on his chest, her gaze sultry. ‘There’s something I have to see to first.’

He drew in an audible breath as her hand moved down his body. But she wasn’t content with just stroking and caressing him. She wanted to taste him as he had tasted her. This was another act she had shied away from in the past, but right now it seemed perfectly natural to pleasure him with her lips and tongue.

She pressed a pathway of kisses down his chest, swirling her tongue into his belly button before going inexorably lower. She felt his abdominal muscles contract the closer she got to her target. She breathed over his erection at first, letting him feel the dance of her breath, letting him experience the anticipation of her imminent possession.