Remy said he didn’t want children.

She had said the same. Many times.

But it wasn’t quite true...

‘By the way.’ Remy looked up from the menu he was perusing. ‘We are not leaving this restaurant until I’ve seen you eat something. Understood?’

Angelique’s back prickled. ‘I have to think of my figure, especially now.’

‘Why especially now?’

She gave him an imperious look. ‘You’re not the only one getting a ratings boost from our marriage.’

He cocked his head in interest. ‘Oh, really?’

‘My manager is firming up a new contract for me to consider. Once I sign it, I’m going to be booked up for months and months.’

‘Tell them to wait. Tell them you’re not available until after Christmas. I want you with me for the next month or two at the very least.’

Angelique felt her heart give a little skip at the thought of him wanting her with him but then she remembered his precious business deal. He wanted her for show, not for her.

It was an act.

A game of charades.

Even though technically she was free to be with him while her manager negotiated the schedule, she resented him arrogantly assuming she would drop everything just because he told her to.

She was not going to be ordered about by him.

‘Do you really think you can just march into my life and take control as if I have no mind or will of my own?’

He gave her a knowing look. ‘I didn’t come marching into your life. You came blundering into mine. Now it’s time for you to take responsibility for it.’

‘By following you around like a stupid little lapdog?’ She gave an exaggerated shudder of distaste before curling her lip at him. ‘I don’t think so.’

His mouth flattened and his eyes flashed her a warning. ‘You will do as I say or I’ll take everything off your father. Do you hear me? Everything. There won’t be a penny left for you to inherit once I’m done with him. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.’

Angelique pressed her spine back against the supports of her chair. ‘Do you really think I will respond to threats?’

‘You will if you know what’s good for you.’

What would be good for me would be to put as much distance between you and me as is globally possible.

It was too dangerous being with him. How soon before she caved in and fell into his arms again? She had to get away. She had to think. Clear her head.

Protect her heart.

Angelique put her napkin down on the table and pushed back her chair. ‘Will you excuse me?’

His brows snapped together. ‘Where are you going?’

‘I’m going to the powder room.’ She gave him a lofty look. She didn’t have to tell him which powder room. Like one several thousand kilometres away. ‘Do I need to ask your permission first?’

His dark, unreadable eyes measured hers for a moment. ‘Fine. Go and powder your nose. But if you’re not back here in two minutes I’ll come and find you.’

I’ll be miles away by then.

Angelique only got as far as the street when she was stopped, not by Remy but by her father. He came striding towards her from the cab he had just vacated. His cheeks were puce and his brows were joined over his formidable nose.