She tried to glare at him but it didn’t quite work with his body still intimately connected with hers. Instead, she pushed out her bottom lip in a pout. ‘Mad.’

‘I like it when you’re mad at me.’ He gave one slow, deep thrust. ‘It turns me on.’

Angelique felt her belly do a funny little shuffle like the pages of a book being thumbed. Her body was fully aware of him. Excruciatingly so. Every nerve ending was primed for his next thrust. She felt the tension building in her flesh with every erotic movement of his body in hers. He increased the pace and her pleasure rapidly climbed with the pulsating throb of her swollen, sensitised tissues as they each clamoured for release.

He hitched her leg higher over his hip and drove even deeper.

It was like detonating an explosive device.

Angelique felt the explosion deep in her body, radiating out in pulsing waves that ricocheted through her. She shuddered and screamed, a raw, primal-sounding scream that was unlike any other sound she had ever made before. But then she had never felt anything like this before either. She bucked beneath his rocking body to keep the exquisite sensations going for as long as she could. Finally they faded and she was left in a blissful state of lassitude.

But he wasn’t finished with her yet.

He shifted position slightly, slowing his pace until her body was crawling with need once more. She felt the tingling start all over again, the tightening of muscles, the pulse of longing and the steady climb to the summit that was tantalisingly just out of reach.

He slipped a hand underneath her buttocks and raised her as he thrust deeper and faster. She looked at his face, at the taut set to his features as he fought for control. His eyes were hooded, his jaw like honed steel, his breathing sounding harsh and laboured. She had never seen a more erotic sight. A beautifully cut and carved man in full arousal, poised to explode, waiting for that final trigger.

Angelique lifted and then rolled her hips. He grimaced as he tried to hold back but then she rolled her pelvis again. She felt the exact moment when his control slipped. He stiffened and then let out a shout, the pumping action of his body triggering another wave of pleasure through her body that travelled all the way to her fingertips and toes.

He slumped over her, burying his head to the side of her neck, his warm breath and stubbly skin a deliciously sensual caress against hers.

Angelique was so used to sparring with him that this new connectedness was faintly disturbing. If he could read her body so well, how well could he read her mind?

She wasn’t used to feeling such powerful sensations during sex. She had never felt that level of desire or need before. She had never orgasmed with a partner before. She’d always pretended and got away with it.

This was so new and exciting. Breathtaking. Tantalising. Addictive.


Remy finally lifted his head and looked at her. ‘Was that good for you?’

His arrogant confidence made her retort ‘Average.’

His brown eyes glinted as if he knew she was lying. ‘Then maybe I should try and improve my rating.’ He stroked a lazy finger down between her breasts where a tiny slick of sweat had pooled. ‘You’re incredibly beautiful.’

She gave him one of her bored looks. ‘Do you know how many times I’ve heard that?’

His eyes tethered hers; dark, probing, penetrating. ‘Ah, but do you believe it?’

Angelique felt as if he had already cracked open a corner of her mind and was examining the contents with a high-beam searchlight. She put her hands on his chest and pushed him away. ‘I have to get up. I don’t want the condom to leak.’

He got up and dealt with the disposal of the condom while she went in search of her clothes. She felt foolish and somehow sordid, scrabbling about the room, picking up her underwear and redressing while all he had to do was straighten his c

lothes and zip up his trousers.

Was it somehow indicative of the imbalance of their relationship? She would always be the one who felt naked and exposed while he would only reveal what he wanted her to see.

He was in control.

She wasn’t.

‘Is this yours?’ Remy asked, holding up a diamond pendant swinging on a fine gold chain.

Angelique went to take it off him but he held it just out of her reach. ‘Give it to me.’

His mouth was curved in a sarcastic smile. ‘Where are your manners, mon amour?’

She ground her teeth and flashed him a resentful look. ‘Please.’