Men like Raoul Caffarelli did not fall in love with shy plain Jane English girls with scars.

It just showed how hopelessly romantic she was. But a short affair was all he was going to offer her because he would not commit to anything else unless he was fully mobile. That was the sort of man he was. He could not envisage a future any other way. Could she risk her heart for a hope that might never come to fruition? He had undoubtedly improved in the last fortnight but that was no guarantee that he would regain his full mobility.

He was twice, four times the man of some of the able-bodied ones she’d met. He had so much to offer. He was not the least bit diminished by his physical limitations.

Why couldn’t he see that?

Because he was so damned uncompromising and stubborn, that was why. He thought in terms of black or white, either-or. There were no shades of in between.

What if she said yes? It would give her a little under two weeks of memories that were certainly a whole lot better than the ones she had come with.

He was a passionate and skilled lover. He was a good man, a decent, lovely man to be around. He was respectful and kind. Considerate.

And she was in love with him.

Which was why she should say no. Right now. Nip it in the bud. Do not pass Go. Do not take another step. Do not stomp in where angels fear to tread.

‘I’ll stay.’


‘SO HOW ARE things going with Miss Archer?’ Rafe asked when he phoned a few days later.


‘Just “fine”?’


‘So you’re talking to her, then?’

Raoul didn’t want to go into the details of his current relationship with Lily. He hadn’t quite got his own head around it. All he knew was he enjoyed being with her. She was easy company, gentle and kind, caring. He enjoyed watching her wake up each morning, rub her sleepy eyes and give him that shy smile of hers. He loved the feel of her body nestled up against his when she slept.

He loved watching her sleep.

She looked like Sleeping Beauty, so pale and so beautiful. He loved the way she responded to him so passionately. She was far more confident now as a lover. He had never been with a partner who surprised and delighted him as much as she did. It was like discovering sensuality all over again. He was aware of his body in ways he had never been before. Her touch was like magic. He was sure it was one of the reasons he had improved his mobility.

He felt stronger.

‘You are talking to her, aren’t you?’ Rafe’s voice jolted him back to the moment.

‘Of course I’m talking to her.’re the wedding plans going?’

‘Whoa, quick subject change. Wh

at’s going on?’

‘Nothing.’ Raoul gave himself a mental kick for answering too quickly. It was hard to pull the wool over Rafe’s eyes, even over the phone. ‘Nothing’s going on.’

‘You’re not sleeping with the hired help, are you?’

He felt his back come up. ‘Lily is not the hired help. She’s—’

‘So it’s Lily now.’ Rafe gave an amused little chuckle. ‘I must say I didn’t see that coming. I didn’t think she was your type. Not compared to—’

‘Shut the hell up.’

‘You’re not still cut up about that bimbo dumping you, are you? Come on, Raoul. She’s not worth it. At your age you should be looking for love, not looks.’