He wanted her. Badly.

‘I’ll just get my wrap and purse.’ She ushered the little mutts back with a shooing gesture and bent to pick up her belongings from the hall table.

Rafe’s gaze travelled the length of her legs, from her thin ankles encased in sexy high heels to the neat curve of her botto

m. One of the little dogs—the one with a patch of black over one eye, like a pirate—growled at him warningly.

‘Down, boy,’ Poppy said.

‘Are you talking to me or the dog?’ Rafe asked.

A delicate blush bloomed over her cheeks as she put her wrap around her shoulders. ‘Pickles is a little shy of strangers. But once he gets to know you he’ll be all over you like a rash.’

‘I can hardly wait.’

Her blush deepened a fraction. ‘So...you like dogs?’

‘I love dogs.’ Rafe bent down and scratched behind Chutney’s ears. Relish came over and pushed his mate out of the way to get in on the action, but Pickles was maintaining his beady-eyed stand-off, eyeing Rafe with the sort of suspicion a protective father might cast upon a suitor who had come to collect his teenage daughter for her first date.

‘Do you have a dog at home?’ Poppy asked.

Rafe straightened. ‘No, I travel too much. It wouldn’t be fair to leave it with household staff.’

‘Where do you base yourself? Italy or France?’

‘I have a villa in Umbria and one in Lyon. A have apartments in Rome and Paris I use for business trips. Our family owns a few villas in other locations around the globe. I won’t bore you with listing them.’

She gave him a look. ‘Which do you love the most?’

Rafe had loved the smallish but comfortable villa just outside Rome he and his brothers had grown up in before their parents were killed. Conscious of the extreme wealth she was marrying into, his mother had insisted on a more normal upbringing for her boys, reducing household staff to a minimum and even doing a lot of the cooking herself.

But his grandfather had sold the villa after Rafe’s parents had been killed. He hadn’t consulted Rafe or his brothers about it. It had been delivered to them as a fait accompli. It had been devastating to lose not just their parents but their home as well. It was as if everything they had held most secure had disappeared. As a result Rafe tried not to get too attached to people or places or things. His brothers were exactly the same.

‘I don’t have a favourite,’ he said. ‘They each serve their purpose.’ He held the door open. ‘Shall we go?’

Rafe settled her in the car before he got behind the wheel. ‘So, three months since your last date?’

‘Chloe had no right to tell you that.’

‘I’m glad she told me. I wouldn’t want to be cutting in on anyone’s territory.’

She sent him a narrow-eyed look. ‘This isn’t a date.’

‘What is it then?’

She clutched her purse tightly on her lap. ‘It’s just a dinner between two...um...’



Rafe gave a little chuckle of amusement. ‘I’m surprised you didn’t say enemies. I must be improving a little in your estimation.’

‘Not that much.’

‘Come now, Poppy,’ he chided. ‘Let’s not spoil our first date with bickering like children.’

‘It’s not a date!’