Page 41 of Let Me Go (Owned 2)

“Don’t be.” I walked through the French doors and into the living room. “What was that?”

“My asshole ex. Calling me.” Though Vera was talking to me, I could tell her mind was still elsewhere. I reached up and grabbed her hand, pulling her attention to me.

“I thought you left him behind.”

“I did.” Vera huffed, pulling her hand back and sitting on the couch. “He just can’t seem to get it through his stupid thick skull. I changed my number and everything.”

“What does Romeo want?” I asked.

“For me to come back.”


Vera laughed at my question. “And fuck that! Leave the ocean for his stupid face? Leave you?” Vera laughed again before sinking farther into the couch. “Boys are so stupid.” I nodded at that, sensing Vera was done talking about her boy.

A silent fog filled the room. Vera kicked her feet up on the coffee table that I’d put back into place. You could hardly tell it had ever been moved. A little scratch on the paint was visible, but only if you looked for it. I looked away from the table and started chipping away at the nail polish on my fingernails. Nail polish that Vera had loaned me. It was a light pink color with shimmers called Orgasm. Go figure.

“Is your boy stupid?” Vera asked, snapping the silence in two.

“How did you know he was here?” I responded, stunned.

“Where do you think I’ve been all day?” Vera smiled, shifting her legs on the table. “I saw you lovebirds going at it and gave you the house.”

“Why?” I honestly didn’t understand why she would do something like that. Why hadn’t she barged in and told us to quit it? “Why did you do that?”

Vera sighed. “I can see your broken heart as clearly as if you were wearing it on your sleeve. Did he break it?”

“No.” Eli hadn’t broken my heart. I broke it.

“I didn’t think so. That boy doesn’t look like he’s capable of breaking hearts. I was hoping he would help mend yours.” I smiled at Vera’s kindness. She meant well, but Eli and I were far beyond repair.

An hour later, Vera and I relaxed on the porch, watching the moon and the waves waltz.

“It really is something,” Vera murmured. “I can see why people stay here.”

“Have you gone swimming yet?” I asked.


“Me either.” A beat passed between us.

“We shouldn’t, right?” I looked at Vera, wondering if she was thinking the same thing.

“It’s nighttime, no one’s out, and we have this little beach to ourselves…” Vera trailed off.

We both stood up, toothy smiles on our face.

“I’ll go get my swimsuit!” I exclaimed, but Vera grabbed my arm, stopping my retreat.

“Screw that, who will see us?” Vera shimmied off her pants and took off her top. I bit at my nail, feeling scandalous. “Come on, Gracie, I bet your underwear has more coverage than your suit anyway.” She was right.

I followed Vera’s lead and pulled off my clothes. We stood in our skivvies with only the moon to guide us, smiling like complete baboons. She took my hand and in an instant we were running down our porch and across the sand, laughing and screeching and giggling.

The salt air whipped at my naked skin and even though we weren’t doing anything wrong, I felt scandalous. I felt free. We stopped short of the ocean, our feet on the wet, slick sand. The ocean water nipped at our toes.

“Ready?” Vera asked.

“What if it’s cold?” I stepped forward a bit, the water washing over the tops of my feet.