“Shouldn’t you take it slow, Mr. Grayson?” she asked. “You did just lose your virginity. I don’t want you to pull a muscle.”

She twisted, head on her shoulder, so I could see her bright grin. I loved her smile. Seeing it has only made me realize how bereft I’ve been without it. I’d do anything to keep it on her lips.

In one motion I was on top of her, caging her. “Oh, you got more jokes now?”

Still she smiled, eyes bright on me.

“What about a kiss? It doesn’t count if it’s not on the lips, right?” I kissed her neck, her jaw.

“Or what about here? Does it count if it’s over the shirt?” I palmed her tit, and her lips found my jaw, soft and wet and hot.

“What if it’s under the shirt?” she asked, unbuttoning the first few buttons, leaving her breast exposed.

I groaned, palming, bruising, gripping her breast.

“Dirty nun.” I bit her jaw, her ear. “So fucking dirty.”


“Fuck, say it again. Love my name on your lips.”

But then my eyes found hers, swir

ling with fear. I stopped, lifted myself up enough to give her space.

I traced my knuckles down her jaw. “What, little nun?”

“I don’t want us to be something that only exists in the dark, in the cracks, in the places people don’t want to look or talk about.”

Her tit was out and all I wanted to do was suck it, take it into my mouth, fuck her until her voice was hoarse from screaming my name.

I stood up, running my hand through my hair, getting my fucking cock under control.

“I’m sorry—”

“Don’t fucking apologize,” I said, spinning. “Don’t ever apologize for saying no.” I closed the distance, getting down on my knees.

“I didn’t say no.”

“You may as well have.”

A small smile speared her lips, then dropped. “Aren’t you mad? You looked upset.”

“I’m not mad.” I grinned and pushed the hair out of her face. “It’s just torture to stay in a room alone with you.”

“So what do we do?” she asked.

“We have Italy to explore.”


* * *

“Closed till February of next year?”

I turned around, lips pushed in a pout. His eyes dropped to them, dark. Dark like earlier when we’d almost broken rules that hadn’t even had a chance to dry.

I shifted. “What?”