So many sins that were nothing in the grand scheme of things but weighed like an anchor, because Story won’t stop fucking looking at me like I’m decent.

I’m not fucking decent.

I wonder what it would feel like to apologize to my sisters. Weird. Just the thought made my stomach twist. They’d think I had a tumor. If they apologized to me…I’d think the same.

Some cracks are too wide to fix.

Her brows pinched. “Why?”

“Why do you think I’m capable of anything else?” I growled.

I ripped her palm away, but she grabbed me, dragged me back. “You must have a reason for it all.”

Maybe it was revenge for him breaking my sister’s heart.

Maybe I knew my mother wouldn’t throw any kind of decent party for Abby.

I ran a knuckle down her face. “No, little nun, I don’t.”

“You’re not going to scare me away,” she said. “I’m here. Even after she was in your room. Even after you slept with her.”

Anger choked her words.

I knew I should let her believe I had. Prop up some kind of distance. Story didn’t want me. She didn’t even want my money. I was getting sucked into someone who wouldn’t just take a piece of me—they could take all of me.

“I didn’t sleep with her,” I said, hoarse. “I didn’t fuck her.”

“You didn’t?” She lifted her head, eyes locking with mine.

“I couldn’t. You’re inside me, Story.”


* * *

He pressed me deeper against the wall, one arm still over my head.

“I can’t stop thinking about you, Snitch. I keep trying, but you’re on my mind when I wake up, when I sleep, in my dreams.”

“What you taste like.” His lips fluttered against the flesh of my ear.

“What you sound like.” He pressed his knee against my core, and a whimper fell from my lips. He pulled back, his forehead pressed to mine. It created a shadow, a secret just for us. His eyes locked on my lips, hooded and burning, jaw squared so tight.

“She’s my fiancée,” he said, voice thick. “She’s the girl I’ve always wanted. She’s perfect for me. I should want to marry her, but every fucking minute I see you.”

It wasn’t I want you. I choose you over her. It wasn’t a promise. It wasn’t an apology. It was a thousand miles below what I deserved, and yet I would’ve taken even less.

“I’m not going to be the girl you cheat with,” I whispered. “I’m not going to be that girl, Grayson.”

/> “I’m not going to be that guy,” he growled.

Then what is this?

His jaw was clenched so tight, and he was so close, I could see the pain cracking in his blue eyes.

“You’re the only friend I have, Story. With you, I don’t have to lie. You see me. I can’t lose that. I can’t lose you.”

“You’re the only person with whom I’ve ever had to lie.” The words tumbled and fell with the tears I’d been trying to hide.