Yuri, oblivious to Persephone’s internal war, said, “Why wouldn’t Lord Hades choose you as queen? You are an unwed goddess and you haven’t taken a vow of chastity.”

The soul gave her a knowing look that made Persephone blush.

“Being a goddess does not qualify me to be Queen of the Underworld.”

“No, but it’s a start. Hades would never choose a mortal or a nymph as his queen. Trust me, he has had plenty of opportunities.”

A shock of jealousy shot down Persephone’s spine. It was like a match landing in a pool of kerosene. Her magic surged, demanding an exit. It was a defense mechanism, and it took her a moment to tamp it down.

Get a hold of yourself, she commanded.

She wasn’t ignorant to the fact that Hades had other lovers throughout his lifetime—one being the red-headed nymph, Minthe who she’d transformed into a mint plant. Still, she had never considered that Hades’ interest in her might be, in part, due to her Divine blood. Something dark wound its way around her heart. How could she let herself think this way about Hades? He encouraged her to embrace her Divinity, worshipped her so that she might claim her freedom and power, and he’d told her he loved her. If he was to make her his queen, it would be because he cared for her, not because she was a goddess.


Persephone soon distracted from her thoughts as she and Yuri returned to the Asphodel Valley where she was swarmed by children who begged her to play. After a short game of hide-and-seek, she was dragged away by Ophelia, Elara, and Anastasia who wanted her opinion on wines, cakes, and flowers for the upcoming Summer Solstice Celebration.

The solstice marked the beginning of the new year and signified the one-month countdown to the Panhellenic Games—something even death couldn’t quell the souls’ excitement for. With such an important celebration at hand, Persephone had asked Hades if they could host a party at the palace, to which he had agreed. She was looking forward to having the souls in the halls again, just as much as they were looking forward to being there.

By the time Persephone returned to the palace, she still felt unsettled. The darkness of her doubt swelled, pressing against her skull, and her magic pulsed beneath her skin, making her feel achy and exhausted. She rang for tea and wandered into the library, hoping that reading would take her mind off her conversation with Yuri.

Curling into one of the large chairs near the fireplace, Persephone leafed through Hecate’s copy of Witchcraft and Mayhem. It was one of several assignments from the Goddess of Magic, who was helping her learn to control her erratic power.

It wasn’t working as fast as she hoped.

Persephone had waited a long time for her powers to manifest, and when they did, it had been during a heated argument with Hades. Since then, she had managed to make flowers bloom but had trouble channeling the appropriate amount of magic. She had also discovered her ability to teleport was glitchy which meant she didn’t always end up where she intended. Hecate said it was just a matter of practice, but it still made her feel like a failure, and it was for these reasons, she’d decided not to use magic in the Upperworld.

Not until she got it under control.

So, in preparation for her first lesson with Hecate, she studied, learning the history of magic, alchemy, and the diverse and terrifying powers of the gods, yearning for the day when she could use her power as easily as she breathed.

Suddenly, warmth spread across her skin, raising the hair on the back of her neck and arms. Despite the heat, she shivered, her breath growing shallow.

Hades was near, and her body knew it.

She wanted to groan as an ache began low in her stomach.

Gods. She was insatiable.

“I thought I would find you here,” Hades’ voice came from above, and she looked up to find him standing behind her. His smokey eyes met hers as he bent to kiss her, his hand cupping her jaw. It was a possessive hold, and a passionate kiss that left her lips raw when he pulled away.

“How was your day, darling?”

His endearment stole her breathe.


The corners of Hades’ mouth lifted and as he spoke, his eyes dropped to her lips.

“I hope I’m not disturbing you. You appeared quite entranced by your book.”

“No.” She said quickly, then cleared her throat. “I mean…it’s just something Hecate assigned.”

“May I?” he asked, releasing her from his grip and holding his hand out for the book.

Wordlessly, she gave it to him and watched as the God of the Dead rounded her chair and leafed through the book. There was something incredibly devilish about the way he looked, a storm of darkness dressed head to toe in black.

“When do you begin training with Hecate?” he asked.