“Thanatos,” Persephone couldn’t help the wide smile that crossed her face.

Thanatos had been the first to offer her insight into Hades’ precarious role as the God of the Dead during a tour of Elysium. It was his perspective that helped her understand the Underworld a little better, and if she were being honest, provided what she needed to fully give herself to Hades.

She gestured to the souls gathered and introduced them to the god.

His smile was slight, but sincere as he said, “We’ve met.”

“Oh.” She cheeks flushed. “I’m so sorry. I forgot.”

As the reaper of souls, Thanatos was the last face mortals saw before they landed on the shores of the Styx.

“I was just about to escort the new souls to the Field of Judgement.”

She noted that Thanatos’ eyes widened slightly, and he looked at Yuri who spoke quickly. “Lady Persephone is needed back at the palace. Could you take them for her, Thanatos?”

“Of course,” he replied, bringing his hand to his chest. “I would be delighted.”

Persephone waived goodbye to the souls as Thanatos turned toward the crowd, stretched his wings wide, and vanished.

Yuri wound her arm through Persephone’s, tugging her away from the banks of the Styx, but Persephone didn’t budge.

“Why did you do that?” she asked.

“Do what?”

“I am not needed at the palace, Yuri. I could have taken the souls to the field.”

“I am sorry, Persephone. I feared they would make requests.”

“Requests?” her brows drew together. “What might they request?”

“Favors,” she explained.

Persephone giggled at the thought. “I am hardly in a position to grant favors.”

“They don’t know that,” she said. “All they see is a goddess who might help them get an audience with Hades or return to the living world.”

Persephone frowned. “Why do you think that?”

“Because I was one of them.”

Yuri tugged on her arm again, and this time, Persephone followed. Strained silence filled the space between them, and Persephone frowned.

“I’m sorry, Yuri. Sometimes I forget—”

“That I’m dead?” She smiled, but Persephone felt small and silly. “It’s okay. That’s one of the reasons I like you so much,” she paused a moment, and added. “Hades chose his consort well.”

“His consort?” Persephone’s brows rose.

“Isn’t it obvious that Hades intends to marry you?”

Persephone laughed. “You are being very presumptive, Yuri.”

Except that Hades had made his intentions clear. You will be my queen. I do not need the Fates to tell me that. Her chest tightened, the words forming knots in her stomach.

Those words should have made her heart melt and the fact that they didn’t disturbed her. Maybe i

t had something to do with their recent breakup. Why did she feel such apprehension when Hades seemed so certain about their future?