She didn’t know what to say to that—his words were harsh but warranted. She flinched and hugged herself a little tighter. She wasn’t sure if Hades noticed her reaction, or decided he was finished with this conversation, but he pushed away from the bar and said, “You are probably tired. I can take you to the Underworld or Antoni will see you home.”

She studied him for a long moment and then asked, “What do you want?”

What she was really asking was do you want me?

“It is not my decision to make.”

She looked away, swallowing a lump in her throat, but Hades’ voice drew her back.

“But since you asked…I always want you with me. Even w

hen I’m angry.”

“Then I’ll come with you.”

He drew her close, his arm a hook around her waist. She braced herself against his biceps as their middles touched and their eyes held. She wanted to kiss him—it wouldn’t take much. They were already so close, but she was hesitant—she had vomited earlier and still felt disgusting. On top of that, Hades didn’t move closer, and the pain that pulled at his features kept her frozen and hardened her own heart.

She still had a whole night to go, sleeping beside him.

This was going to be rough.


Persephone woke up alone.

She ignored the way her chest tightened as she rose to get ready. Once she was dressed, she found Hecate in the palace ballroom, instructing souls, nymphs, and daimons in their tasks as they prepared for the solstice celebration tonight.

When Persephone arrived, Hecate smiled, and several voices erupted all at once.

“My Lady, you’ve arrived!”

There was so much excitement and energy in the room, Persephone couldn’t stay sullen.

“I hope you haven’t waited long,” she said.

“I was just finishing assigning tasks,” Hecate said.

“Great. What can I do?”

Persephone saw the hesitation on Hecate’s face.

“Of course, you should supervise.”

Persephone frowned. “I’d like to help,” she said, and looked at the people gathered in the room. “Surely some of you could use an extra set of hands?”

At first, she was met with silence, and then Yuri spoke up. “Of course, my lady. We’d be happy to have your assistance with the flower arrangements!”

Persephone grinned. “Thank you, Yuri. I would like that very much.”

Not to mention she needed a distraction—anything to keep her mind off the last few weeks.

“Let’s get to work!” Hecate called, and the crowd dispersed.

Persephone worked with a group in the ballroom making floral arrangements, garlands, and floral crowns from flowers the souls had picked from the gardens of the Underworld.

“You are quieter than usual,” Hecate said, coming to work beside Persephone. She trimmed leaves from stems while Persephone arranged them in a large urn.

“Am I?”