Though Demetri had told her Hades never arrived alongside the other gods, Persephone thought he might make an exception this time, with the evening being themed after his realm, but when the crowds began to disperse, she realized he wasn’t coming—at least not via this entrance.

Persephone and Lexa headed inside.

“Weren’t they all magnificent?” Lexa asked.

They were—each and every one of them, and yet, for all their style and glamour, Persephone still yearned to see one face among the crowd.

She started down the stairs and halted abruptly.

He’s here, she thought. The feeling tore through her, straightening her spine. She could feel him, taste his magic. Then her eyes found what they sought, and the room was suddenly too hot.

“Persephone?” Lexa asked, confused by why she wasn’t moving.

Then her eyes followed Persephone’s stare, and it wasn’t long before the whole room grew quiet.

Hades stood at the entrance, the crystal backdrop creating a beautiful and sharp contrast to his tailored black suit. The jacket was velvet with a simple red flower in the breast pocket. His hair was slick and tied in a bun at the back of his head, and his beard trimmed close and sharp. He wore a plain black mask that only covered his eyes and the bridge of his nose.

Her eyes trailed from his shiny black shoes up his tall, powerful frame and over his broad, well-muscled shoulders to his glittering coal eyes. He had found her, too. The heat of his gaze tracked her, roving every inch of her body. She felt like a flame, exposed to a chill wind.

She might have spent all night staring at him if it wasn’t for the red-haired nymph who appeared beside him. Minthe was gorgeous, dressed in an emerald gown with a sweetheart neckline. It hugged her hips and flared out, leaving a train of fabric behind her. Her neck and ears were laden with fine jewels that gleamed as the light hit them. Persephone wondered if Hades’ had supplied them as Minthe looped her arm through Hades.

Her anger burned hot, and she knew her glamour was melting.

Her gaze shifted to Hades, and she glared at him. If he thought he could have her and Minthe, too, he was wrong. She downed the remainder of her wine and then looked at Lexa.

“Let’s find another drink,” she said.

Persephone and Lexa cut through the crowd, flagging down a server to exchange their empty glasses for full ones.

“Can you hold this?” Lexa asked. “I need the restroom.”

Persephone took Lexa’s glass and started to drink from her own when she heard a familiar voice behind her.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” She turned to find Hermes. “A Goddess of Tartarus.”

Persephone raised a brow in question.

“Get it? Torture?”

She gave him a blank stare and he frowned, explaining, “Because you’re torturing Hades?”

It was Persephone’s turn to roll her eyes.

“Oh, come on! Why else would you wear that dress?”

“For myself,” she answered a little defensively. She hadn’t chosen her dress with Hades in mind. She had wanted to look beautiful and sexy and feel powerful.

This dress did all those things.

The God of Trickery lifted a brow, smirked, and conceded, “Fair. Still, the whole room noticed you were eye-fucking Hades.”

“I was not—” she clamped her mouth shut, her cheeks growing red.

“Don’t worry—everyone noticed him eye-fucking you, too.”

Persephone rolled her eyes. “Did they notice Minthe on his arm?”

Hermes smile became wicked. “Someone’s jealous.”