“Yes.” He eyed her dress, and it really wasn’t fair because it was all she had on except for her jewels so she touched her necklace where it dipped between her breasts and Hades eyes followed. He seemed to assess her jewels.

“And...what about jewelry? Do you consider that undressing?”

He took a sip from his drink before answering. “That depends.”


“I might decide I want to fuck you with that crown on.”

She smirked. “No one said anything about fucking, Lord Hades.”

“No? Pity.”

She leaned over the table, and though she felt shaky inside, she managed in as steady of a voice as possible, “I’ll accept your bargain.”

His brows rose, eyes alight. “Confident in your ability to win?”

“I’m not afraid of you, Hades.”

Except that she was—afraid that she wouldn’t have the strength to resist him when he came for her. She was very aware of the fluttering inside her. It sat, low in her belly, reminding her that Hades’ lithe fingers had been inside her. That he had drank her passion and need from her body and he hadn’t finished.

She needed him to finish.

Persephone shivered.

“Cold?” he asked as he dealt the first hand.

“Hot,” she said, and cleared her throat.

Heat pooled at her core and suddenly, she couldn’t get comfortable. She shifted, crossing her legs harder, smiling at Hades, hoping he couldn’t tell how terribly nervous she was.

Hades laid his cards down—a pair of kings. She clamped her lips together, glaring, before she laid down her cards, already knowing she had lost. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips, and his eyes brightened with lust.

He sat back, assessing. After a moment, he said, “I suppose I will take the necklace.”

She reached to unclasp it, but he stopped her. “No, let me.”

She hesitated, but slowly dropped her hands into her lap. Hades stood and walked to her side, the click of his shoes making her heart race. He gathered her hair into his hands and drew it over her shoulder. When his fingers touched her skin, she inhaled and held her breath as he unclasped the necklace. He let one side drop, and the cool metal fell between her breasts. As he pulled it away, the chain slid along her collarbone, and was soon replaced by his lips.

“Still hot?” he asked against her skin.

“An inferno,” she breathed.

“I could free you from this hell,” he said. His lips trailed up the column of her neck and she swallowed hard.

“We’re just getting started,” she answered.

His breathy laugh was warm against her skin, and she felt cold when he pulled away and returned to his seat to deal another hand.

Persephone smiled when their cards were on the table and said, “I win.”

Hades kept his gaze narrowed upon her. “Ask your question, Goddess. I am eager to play another hand.”

She bet he was.

“Have you slept with her?”

Hades’ jaw tightened and after what seemed like an eternity, he answered. The word was like a stone, dropped right in the pit of her stomach.