“No,” we say in unison, with the exception of Thane, who I’m sure would be glad to lead her back to the Underworld.

That firelight returns to her eyes. “But she told us exactly where the coin was!”

“And look how that turned out,” Natalie snaps. “You were attacked by a Cercatore and have nothing to show for it. How do you even know she was telling the truth? She’s a death-speaker.”

“I’m a death-speaker,” Anora argues.

“You’re the Eurydice. There’s a difference.”

Anora doesn’t reply, but I can tell there’s a response bubbling under the surface.

“What Nat is trying to say,” I glance at her. “Is we’ll help you find the coin. We don’t know why the killer chose Lily and we don’t know who they’ll target next.”

She doesn’t argue, so we make a plan for tomorrow that includes a list of places Jacobi was able to track Lily’s phone to the day she died: the school, her home, June’s, a beach near the lake, and the train yard.

“We’ll split up. Look for clues and interview as many people as possible about Lily’s behaviors. Anora’s with me,” I say. Thane’s dark eyes meet mine. “She’s the Eurydice. She’s to have a Shadow Knight with her at all times.”

I expect an argument, but Thane says. “Whatever. I can’t help tomorrow anyway. Uncle Malachi wants me at in the City. He wants to show off...some gala.”

Once we have our assignments, Thane and Anora get up to leave. As she follows Thane to the door, I call her name. She turns and looks at me. My heart beats hard in my chest.

“I’m sorry for what Chase did.”

“Don’t apologize for him,” she says, almost frustrated, then pauses and clears her throat. When she speaks again, her voice is soft. “Thank you. For letting me tell my story.”

“You’re welcome.”

We stare at each other for a moment before she turns, gets in Thane’s car and leaves.


After Natalie, Jacobi, Anora, and Thane leave, I lay awake staring at the ceiling.

Anora and Thane.

I don’t even like saying their names in succession. They left my house together. I wanted to follow, to make sure she made it home safe. I mean, Thane lead her into the Underworld and into the hands of a Cercatore. Can I really trust him with the Eurydice? I try to tell myself it’s because she’s the Eurydice that I care so much—she’s like a gold mine, far too valuable to lose, but in reality, I know if anything happens to her, I will never be the same again.

And it makes me feel crazy. It makes me feel like that thread connecting us is wound tight around my heart.

I get up, climb out of my window and shift, flying into the night. The air is cool, the sky is clear and a full moon lights up the night. At first, I think I’ll take a quick flight around the lake to clear my head, but then I find myself heading in the direction of Anora’s house. Just as I consider turning around, I spot her sitting on the roof, knees drawn to her chest.

Screw it. Might as well see what she’s up to.

I shift and land beside her. She jumps.

“Jesus Christ! You scared me!” she hisses and I can’t help grinning.

“Sorry,” I offer, but I’m more amused than anything else.

She’s quiet for a moment, probably trying to calm down after I frightened her, and then asks, “You’re not checking up on me, are you?”

I raise a brow. “That makes me think you’re thinking about doing something you’re not supposed to.”

She smiles just a little and turns her head away.

I take a seat beside her, my legs dangle off the edge of the roof which elicits a growl from one of her hounds.

“Truth is, I couldn’t sleep,” I admit.