“How does she return to Spirit?” I ask.

“You must summon the Adamantine Gates. That is the only way lost souls can find their way home.”

A hand presses against my shoulder, and I jump, looking up at Thane. “Let’s go.”

He helps me to my feet and I sway, dizzy and unstable on my feet. Thane steadies me, but before we leave the office, Samael says,

“They always come back wrong, Thane. Always.”

We leave the witch’s office.

Once we’re in the elevator, I take deep breaths in an attempt to clear my swimming head. I slide to the floor, and Thane crouches before me.

“You alright?”

“I think so.”

“Just keep taking deep breaths.”

“What did she do?”

“It’s the incense. She uses it to confuse you in hopes you’ll give something away she wants.”

I glare at him. “You didn’t stop her?”

“Have you ever tried to tell a witch not to do something in her own shop?”

My stomach sours—sometimes I wish Thane would sugarcoat things. After a few more breaths, the smell of sage and jasmine is replaced by Thane’s musk and stale water.

“Thane,” I say after a long pause. “I can’t open the Gates.”

“I know.”

“Then what do we do when we find my coin?”

At first, I don’t think he’ll respond, but after a moment he says matter-of-fact, “You learn to open the Gates.”


Once we’re back in Thane’s car, he twists toward me in his seat.

“Samael said Lily is at the train yard. Are you up for investigating?”


“Do you really think we have the luxury of time, Anora? Who’s to say Lily’s murderer won’t Exchange another soul?”

Yeah, like his or mine.

I hesitate. If Mom discovers I snuck out, I’ll be grounded forever, but that’s far better than another murder.

“I’ll go.”

On the way to the train yard, I think about what Thane said—you learn to open the Gates. I had only discovered I had this strange power after a freak out. I’d found Poppa dead and Influence had just burst out of his body. My emotions were all over the place. Every time after that, the thread responded to my anger or fear. This can’t be how it’s meant to be, summoning the thread when I feel the most distress.

I know I need to learn to control it and it would be best if I could summon the Gates. Having a box of coins lying around is dangerous. Look at the chaos losing one caused. But how am I supposed to learn? How am I supposed to stay under the radar practicing?

The headlights of Thane’s Charger only provide a few feet of visibility against the night as we approach the train yard, protected by a locked gate and a tall fence. Thane stops, exits the car, and unlocks the padlock.