Shy's eyes seem to soften at the use of my endearment.

“The creature is called a Cercatore,” he responds. “It morphs into what you want most to set a trap and drain your blood.”

The statement makes me feel angry and violated. Not only had that creatures somehow reached into me and pulled out my greatest wish, but I'd also given a piece of myself to everyone in this room without ever intending to.

“Of course, it wouldn't have been a problem if you had obeyed curfew,” Natalie cuts in. “You should know better, Thane.”

“Fuck off, Natalie. We were investigating.”

“Is that code for something?” Jacobi makes a face and adds, “Like making out?”

Shy glares at Jacobi and then at me.

“Make jokes all you want, but Lily's killer is still out there, and none of you have done anything to find him,” says Thane.

“Or her,” Natalie corrects. “How do you know she isn't sitting in this room right now?”

I straighten. “Excuse me?”

“She wouldn't be your first victim, would she?”

“Natalie,” Shy warns.

“I didn't kill Lily.”

“What about Chase Lockwood?”

This is what Shy meant when he said he wanted to hear my story. Moisture burns my eyes, blurring my vision and I swallow.

“I killed him.”

I let those words hang in the air, creating a barrier between me and everyone else in the room. I expect them to look horrified, to jump to their feet and draw those sickening, curved blades, threaten me like Chase did, but none of them move.

“How?” Natalie asks.

“I think you can guess that,” Shy says crossly. Fair, the only weapon I own and know vaguely how to use is the thread. “The correct question is why?”


No one has ever asked me that because no one has assumed Chase's guilt.

“Because he tried to kidnap me.”


“Mom, I see dead people.”

I shake my head. No, she’ll just think I’m quoting The Sixth Sense.

“Mom...I see ghosts.”

I still sound crazy, I mutter under my breath. Okay, how about, “Mom, I see souls.”

This is going to be a disaster.

I look at my report card, the D beside chemistry looks like the mark of Satan. How am I supposed to show this to Mom? I’ve never gotten a D. I think about the last few months, and what’s lead to my failing grades. Chemistry isn’t the only class that’s taken a hit. Trigonometry’s a low B, and history’s a C. This is the worst report card I’ve ever received.

And I know why.