I want to kill it.

And the thread responds, rising to fit my palm like the hilt of a blade. I don’t know what it does to creatures like this, but I unleash it anyway. It twirls through the air, lancing the creature, looping throughout its limbs. It writhes, jerking and hissing, it’s body splitting so that light pours through cracks in its shadow-skin.

I see it all in slow motion: how the thread twists and tightens, moving methodically through each arm and then diving down into a mouth of teeth, only to burst from its stomach, spewing black oil, but it happens in an instant. The creature groans and falls into a puddle and my thread reels back in coating my hand in sticky, black tar.

As I stand there, catching my breath, the anger melts, replaced with something far more urgent.

Oh God. What have I done?

I turn to find everyone staring at me—Shy, Natalie, Jacobi, all still in those strange, tight suits, feather wings sprouting on either side of their head. Even Thane hasn’t managed to close his mouth.

Then the building groans and pieces of the ceiling come loose.

“Go!” Another quick command from Shy’s lips.

There’s no hesitation this time. We spill outside into the streetlight and for a moment, the only sound is our harsh breath. Then, Natalie’s voice.


Growls sound from around us, and when I look up, we are surrounded by five large hounds.

“Oh, come on!” I hear Jacobi say, and while he and Natalie prepare to fight, Shy moves so the hounds have a clear path to me and says, “She’s not hurt. We’re not going to hurt her.”

He seems to think these things are protecting me.

They stay poised for attack, bent low, their jowls pulled away from sharp teeth. Shy cocks his head toward me but keeps his eyes on the hounds.

“Tell them,” he orders me.

These people are crazy.

But my heart is racing, my hand sticky with black blood from a creature that looked like my grandfather come back to life, and I’m surrounded by creatures with wings.

So what the hell.

“I...I’m not hurt. They won’t hurt me,” I repeat what he says.

“You could sound a little more convincing,” Natalie says sharply.

She’s probably right. Problem is, I don’t believe what I’m saying.

I move forward slowly, coming to stand beside Shy and try again. “I’m not hurt. They helped me...please...you can go.”

There’s a change in the rumble of their growl, and finally they go quiet and ease up. The five exchange looks and then meld with the shadows.

Well, that was weird.

“They’re not gone,” Jacobi says.

“Of course not,” Natalie’s glaring at me. “They’re here for her.”

“Oh my God,” I say, my hands go to my head, and I stare at the four of them, Thane included because he completes the arc in front of me, an extension of them, hands crossed over his chest, unaffected by their appearance.

“Uh-oh. Quick, shift before she explodes,” Thane says.

I glare at him.

“Can we just talk about the fact that you aren’t freaking out right now?” I ask.