“Why didn't the Eurydice incarnate?”

“Remember how curfew began? With all those murders? Well, it started with the Eurydice's murder. They say, as punishment, Charon dissolved the Gates and prevented the Eurydice from incarnating.”

“But...why would he choose to let her incarnate now?”

Thane shrugs. “Things are pretty bad, Anora. Just turn on the news—plane crashes and riots and natural disasters. It's all Influence. The more chaos, the more doubt, the stronger Influence gets.”

It feels like Thane just placed the weight of the world on my shoulders. Being responsible for Lily's death is hard enough, suddenly I'm also responsible for every bad thing happening in the world?

“Even if you aren’t the Eurydice, you won't escape the Order. They govern those who can see and speak to the dead. We fall under their rule, and trust me, they think death-speakers are the scum of the Earth. They really only worry about the ones who practice death-magic, the occult.”

“But I don't practice death-magic.”

“Soul Exchanges are death-magic, Anora.”

“I didn't...Exchange...anyone's soul. I lost the coin.”

“So you were in possession of a resurrection coin and lost it, still illegal. Worse, reckless!”

He's right.

“What are you? Their bounty hunter?”

Thane laughs. “Trust me, I’m as far from the Order as you can get.”

He watches me for a moment. I note the way he sits, poised on the edge of his seat, hands resting by his legs, rigid. He thinks I’m going to bolt. I wonder what he would do if I went for it in front of all these people? He couldn’t exactly restrain me without drawing a crowd.

“Look, I don't care if you're the Eurydice, but you had something to do with Lily's death and I want to get to the bottom of it. I can help you,” he says, taking his rigid arms and resting them on the table. He leans so far over, he’s practically lying on the table. He explains, “I can get you an appointment with someone. She might be able to trace Lily’s soul which means we can find your coin.”

My heart rises into my throat. All I’ve wanted is to find this coin, but I’m immediately suspicious of Thane.

“Why would you help me?”

“You want your coin and I want to find out who did this to Lily. If we can track that coin, we both have what we want.”

“How do I know you won't turn me over to the Order?”

I don't know anything about Thane; he could be pulling one over on me.

“Do you want the appointment or not?”

“Who is this person you want me to meet?”

“All you need to know is tha

t she might be able to help. It’s either this or another person dies, Anora—your call.”

I don’t like the way he says my name, but the mention of another person dying makes my chest hurt. If any more guilt lands on my shoulders, I’ll be crippled.

I might not trust Thane, but he is the only one who’s given me answers, and it’s likely the more I’m around him, the more I’ll learn about myself, my powers, and Influence.

“Fine. Make the appointment!”

The corners of his mouth turn up. “I’ll be in contact.”

He stands and I follow.

“Do you have a ride home?”