After trig, I stop outside the classroom to look at my schedule. To be truthful, I’m stalling. The dead girl moved away from the window shortly after I spotted her, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t waiting for me, and if I’m going to have an encounter with the dead, I don’t want witnesses.

As I cradle my new book and syllabus, I’m struck on the shoulder and my stuff tumbles to the ground. A sarcastic, “Oops, sorry,” follows the blow. I turn to find three girls from Mr. Val’s class. The one in the middle was glaring at me earlier and the two who flank her are just here for bitch support.

But maybe I’m wrong.

“Nice tights,” the middle one sneers at me.

Nope. Always trust your gut.

“Thanks,” I say.

“You must be the new girl,” she continues with a fake smile. She’s pretty on the outside, but I can smell ugly miles away, and she reeks.

“Yes—you must be the resident bitch. It’s nice to meet you. Now, pick up my books.”

The girl glares at me and then kicks my trig book. Hands shoot out to stop it from skidding across the hallway. I look over to see a girl with long blond hair bending to pick it up. My gaze returns to the other three.

“Careful, Tights. This is only your first day. You wouldn’t want something as petty as name calling to get you kicked out, would you?”

She stares a moment longer before she and her two minions turn on their heels and walk away. The girl who grabbed my book approaches. She has eyes the color of ice, more white than blue, and her lips are a pretty, pink pout. Her creamy skin is speckled with a collection of moles that look more like thoughtfully placed beauty marks. She reminds me of a ballerina, all lithe and long-limbed, made to look even smaller by the huge cardigan draped over her shoulders, billowing around her body.

“Ignore them,” she says and holds my book out. I unclench my fists and take it. She also retrieves my syllabus from the floor. “Jasmine and Michelle just repeat everything Natalie says, and Natalie thinks she’s queen of the castle because her father is headmaster.”

Damn. I’d have to make that kind of enemy on my first day, wouldn’t I?

“Well, that does sort of make her queen of the castle.” And her threat about getting me kicked out real.

“Don’t let her have any control over you. She’s not as powerful as she thinks. I’m Lennon.” The girl holds out her hand for me to take.

“Anora.” I shake her hand. I’m just glad she hasn’t called me the new girl yet.

“I know. You’re from Chicago. You moved into the old Foley house on Forrest.” I stiffen and Lennon must notice because she explains, “You’re the only thing people were talking about on Roundtable today.”


“Roundtable. It's like an anonymous Twitter feed, but exclusive to Nacoma students. Normally, I wouldn’t introduce a newbie to it so soon, but there was precious little they could dig up about you.” So, it's a way to gossip about people. “Of course, that leaves a lot of room for speculation, you know.”

“Oh, well, I don’t want that. Best to get everything out in the open. I’m actually one-hundred years old and I bathe in the blood of virgins to stay youthful.”

Lennon stares at me for a moment, and my face reddens. Maybe I went too far with that joke. Then, a smile breaks out across her face and she pretends to write on the books cradled in her arm.

“ it. If I see any, I’ll let you know.”

We both laugh, and I’m feeling a little more relaxed. Lennon inclines her head to get a look at my schedule.

“What’s your next class?”

It’s biology in Kline—a building that is closer to Emerson than Walcourt, which means another trek across campus.

As it turns out, that’s Lennon’s next class, too. We also have World History I and English III together. Lennon chats beside me as we head to Kline. The path we take is free of the dead and I can concentrate on what she’s saying.

“I hear Shy Savior got to show you around this morning. You know he’s a senior and the quarterback of our football team? He’ll be Homecoming King this year. Natalie hopes to be his queen.” That turns my stomach sour, not that I should care, but how is it all the nice guys dated jerk-face girls? “That’s why she hates you. She hates anyone who gets in her way.”

“I’ve been here for a full,” I look at my phone, “two hours. I’m not getting in the way of anything.”

“Everyone with boobs is Natalie’s enemy.”