A shock of jealousy runs through me, winding tight around my heart. How can I feel jealous of someone I don't completely trust? As if Shy senses what's happening inside me, his eyes find mine. There's tension in the look we exchange, the result of our encounter in the woods. He disentangles himself from Natalie, who seems to notice he's distracted and turns my way.

That's when I look away.

“You okay?” Lily asks.

“Yeah,” I breathe, feeling the weight of this evening on my shoulders. “I'm just tired.”

Lily maintains a soft smile, like she understands everything and everyone.

“We can go.”

I don't hesitate to take her up on her offer and we leave the stadium. As we retreat from the stands, Lennon comes up behind me, looping her arm through mine, she slows down so that Sara and Lily wander ahead of us.

I recognize this behavior. She wants to talk, and out of earshot of our friends. This makes me anxious.

“What's up?” I prompt, trying to sound nonchalant.

“Oh nothing,” she says, pausing. “I was just...curious...did you...leave to meet up with Thane earlier?”

“What? No. Definitely not.”

I should have expected that question.

“Good,” she says, sounding relieved.


“I mean not good...just...” she sighs, and a smile pulls at my lips.

“Lennon, do you have a crush?” I nudge her a little, but she's quick to respond, and not with embarrassment or disgust—just truth.

“No. I just don't trust Thane.”

For some reason, her words arrest me. I stop walking and so does she.


She takes a deep breath. “Thane's soul is...fractured. After his mother died, he gave up on everyone he loved. Anyone who can do that...can't truly feel for anyone.”

A strangled laugh escapes from my mouth. I do my best to swallow it before I hurt Lennon's feelings.

“Look, Lennon. You don't have to worry. I'm not looking for a relationship.”

“Thane isn't, either. He's looking for a way to bring his mother back from the dead.”


I wake up with a headache and my tongue feels swollen. I roll over in bed and guzzle water before collapsing onto my back again. I patrolled after the game. It was necessary after Influence’s attack on Sean and Gage. On the heels of Council, the incident feels like a splash of cold water to the face—as if I need another reminder of Influence’s growing power or more pressure to locate the Eurydice.

My eyes are still heavy, and I’d rather go back to sleep, but I have things to do today, so I get up and hop in the shower, turning the water on real hot. It pours over my body, easing my sore muscles. The only thing it doesn’t heal is the strange tension knotting up my chest. That’s from Anora.

I couldn’t admit to her that I’d found her in the woods yesterday because of the weird feeling in my chest. It’s like a freaky alarm system, except I still haven’t exactly figured out what it means. The only correlation I’ve made is that the longer I’m away from her, the worst the feeling gets.

I hate it.

Maybe hate is too strong a word. I like seeing Anora. I like talking to her, but I don’t like needing her. That’s a weakness and weaknesses are to be conquered.

Maybe what I hate more is Thane showing up to let me know Anora was looking for him. Why are they hanging out together anyway? When did that start? I don’t like it, and yeah, it’s mostly because Thane is my ex-best friend and I know things about him our other friends don’t.