Lennon and I slow to a walk.

“You’re coming to the game Friday, right?” Lennon moves on to another subject, obviously not as interested in Shy and Thane's relationship as I am. “We could get ready together. It’ll be fun! Besides, you’ll get to see Shy play and, trust me, you don’t want to miss that.”

I smile because of how normal she sounds—how innocent. She isn’t plagued by dead, by threads or by omens. I wish I knew what it was like to move through the world as she does. I had once—before things got complicated. I had dreams of attending Princeton or Harvard. I had already started reading about women in space—Sally Ride, Valentina Tereshkova, and Geraldyn Cobb, and studying cosmology, relativity, and gravity. Those dreams were brittle, though, the glass thin—and everything shattered.

Now my plans revolve around hiding. Even now, knowing another mistake means a mental hospital, I have an escape plan.


My gaze snaps to Lennon. “I’ll ask my mom.”

Her smile widens, and we continue our laps around the field.

After P.E., Lennon and I part ways at Emerson. I pull my phone from my locker and find I have a message from Mom.

Running late. Be there soon.

Maybe someone is looking out for me after all. I shove my books in my backpack and head toward the front office. Mom’s delay might not give me time to cross campus again but I can check lost and found.

When I reach the office, the three ladies from yesterday are still behind the glass. They stand away from the desk so that their whole bodies are visible. Mrs. Cole spots me first and offers a smile, though I still think it’s forced.

“Miss Silby, what can we do for you?”

“I wondered if you have a lost and found?”

She maintains that smile. “What did you lose?”

My answer is poised on my tongue. I’d known all along I’d have to say it—a gold coin with the image of a raven, but my whole

head pricks, as if my hair wants to free itself from my scalp. The sensation drips down my back, and my gaze slips past Mrs. Cole and her fake smile to the darker presence behind her.


He stands in the shadow of the office watching me curiously and my whole body feels frozen. I can’t seem to clear the words from my throat, especially after the encounter I had with him this morning. He already believes I had something to do with Vera’s disappearance and the fact that he’s absolutely right means I can’t trust him.

“Miss Silby?” Mrs. Cole asks again, and I offer a smile, though it feels wobbly and just as forced as hers. To make it worse, a breathy laugh escapes from between my lips.

“You know what,” I reach into the mesh pocket of my backpack, my fingers close around my phone. “I’m such an idiot. I found what I thought I lost.” I lift the phone and Mrs. Cole’s brows draw together. Clearly, she doesn’t believe me, but I take a step away from the counter. As I turn, Mrs. Cole’s voice strains through the mechanical filter.

“Take care, Ms. Silby.”

I don’t respond. My feet carry me forward, around the corner, and through the first door on my right—the women’s restroom. I take a moment to breathe, releasing the tension knotting my chest before approaching the sink. My reflection looks harsh—pale face, black hair, lips the color of a bitten cherry, chapped. I’m not used to this version of me. I turn on the faucet and splash water on my face, cooling my pink cheeks, when I hear a sniffle. I pause and look up but see no one behind me in the mirror.

“Lily?” I venture a guess. I pat my face dry and then bend to see a pair of feet under one of the stall doors. “Are you okay?”

“Leave me alone!” Her voice is thick with mucus, and she clears her throat in the silence.

“I’m not here to laugh at you or judge you,” I explain. “I’m Anora Silby, the new girl. I…just want to make sure you’re okay.”

There is a pause, and I hear the door unlatch. Lily comes out of the stall. Her eyes are rimmed with red and puffy, but she’s pulled her hair away from her face, so I have a clear view of her features. She’s pretty—blond hair, brown eyes, heart-shaped face.

“This place sucks, you know that?”

I nod. “I'm sorry people were mean to you. You know they've all done worse.”

She smiles at me. “You're nice, but you should know they'll eat you alive.”

“Thanks for the warning, but I can take care of myself.”