His eyes say: Don’t thank me yet.

“We will grant these requests, Eurydice,” Elite Cain says. “Are you finished?”

“No,” I say, smiling. “I have rules for how you are to use my powers.”

No one says a thing, so I continue.

“Resurrection coins aren’t to be kept by the Order, even for research purposes,” I say, looking directly at Roth. “I will never be used as an assassin, and I am on the side of good. If I feel you have corrupted your purpose, I will no longer help you. Are we understood?”

No one responds, but I smile anyway and say, “Great. Should I draw up the contract myself?”

“Contract, Eurydice?” Elite Cain doesn’t sound surprised, just tired.

“Yes, it will be harder for you to twist any our agreement if it is in writing, not to mention, it’s likely you’ll remember my requests better in the form of a contract you must sign.”

“We will draw up the contract, Eurydice,” Roth says. “After all, we have expectations of you as well.”

I don’t like that, but at least it means they are accepting my terms. “Very well, but I want to read it.”

“As you wish. Is that all, Eurydice?” Elite Cain tries again.

“Just one more thing,” I say, standing. “I told you I wanted to choose my own Knights. I will offer those names now: Jacobi Quinn, Natalie Rivera, and Shy Savior.”

“Eurydice, the three Knights you chose are in training, not to mention, on probation.”

I shrug. “We go to school together. They are my friends. They are least likely to cause suspicion. No offense, but one of you hanging out around me is going to look creepy.”

Elite Cain pinches the bridge of his nose. I like the idea that I might give him a headache.

“I will discuss it with the Commanders.” I want an answer before I leave, but I figure they’re running out of patience fast.

“Thank you,” I say.

I’m escorted out of the chamber by Bastian. Shy’s at my side. We don’t speak as we head back to Elite Cain’s office. Once the doors are shut, I find father and son staring at me like I’ve grown two heads and tentacles.

“What?” I ask.

“That was...” Shy begins but doesn’t finish.

Bastian shakes his head.

I think that’s as close to approval as I’m going to get.


Mom says I’m still grounded, but she deducts time for attending the retreat over the weekend. I find I’m not really all that upset. Maybe it’s because things at home have been so great since I returned from my horrific weekend. Maybe it's because I prefer the company of books over my cell phone, or that my only friends happen to double as birds, and can fly into my room at any point they wish, or that I'm going to be sneaking out of my window most nights to patrol Rayon with Jacobi (once he recovers), Natalie, and Shy, and train with Mr. Val.

Granted, if I am ever caught, I'm probably grounded for infinity plus two, but I'll take my chances. I have work to do. I'm going to climb up in this world that lives beneath the living, learn all there is to know about it. I'm going to gain allies and study my enemies. I'm going to learn to open the Gates and reclaim my poppa's coin.

By the time I'm through, no one—not Roth or Lennon or Influence—will have power over me.

For now, though, I need to make it through my return to school.

As Mom navigates the curved driveway toward Nacoma Knight, I realize this is it—not many people get a chance at a fresh start, this one is mine. If I don't do it right, I'm screwed.

So I swallow my nerves, and lean across the middle of the car to kiss Mom on the cheek.

“Thanks for the ride, Mom. I'll see you after school!”