“Eurydice, you realize expelling Influence from a host is a valuable weapon?” Elite Gwen asks. I don’t like the way she looks at me, like I’m some marvel—a rare insect to study.

“Yes,” I say. “And I can’t really tell you how I did it, but I did.”

Elite Cain and Mr. Val exchange a look—a wordless conversation that says: Figure it out.

“Eurydice, you have told Elite Cain that Lennon has a following,” Ezekiel says. “Have you seen it?”


“And yet you believe this?”

“Lennon is captivating and she has a story. Anyone jaded by the Order would follow her.”

“Including you?”

“What?” First they question whether or not I’m possessed by Influence, now I’m being openly accused of treason.

“You make it no secret you despise us.”

That is a strong word. “Are you ignoring the part where she tried to kill me? Why would I follow someone who wants me dead?”

“We’re just trying to determine where your loyalties lie, Eurydice,” says Roth. I glance at him. He’s been silent this whole time. I don’t like that he’s chosen now to speak up, especially since he’s sealed my allegiance by stealing my poppa’s coin.

“My loyalty lies with myself,” I say.

Everyone is quiet and my gaze sweeps the faces surrounding me—there is a mix of reactions. Some mistrust me, others seem smug, almost proud, some I can’t read, including Mr. Val.

“Very well, Eurydice,” Elite Cain begins. “You are—”

“Before I’m dismissed, I have requests for the Order.” It’s time for new rules.

The whole room tenses, even Shy, who I can feel behind me.

“You have requests?” Ezekiel asks. “To make of us?” I just stare. I won’t repeat myself. The Valryn laughs. “This is ridiculous. You do not get to make demands of us.”

“I don’t threaten to abandon you to Influence’s power, or leave lost souls on Earth, I don’t even threaten to take your soul,” I say. “But you will do me this courtesy because you respect me. Is that understood?”

Another peel of laughter. It’s Gwen. When I meet her gaze, her eyes sparkle. She says, “Please, Eurydice, continue.”

“First, you will grant me a patrol. I can’t know what’s going on in my town without it. Second, I get to choose my partners, third...”

“This is insane!” Ezekiel exclaims.

“With all due respect, Elite Zeke, shut up,” Elite Gwen says.

“Third,” I say pointedly, glaring at Ezekiel. “I want to be trained as a Shadow Knight.”

“That is absurd! You are not Valryn. We cannot teach you!” he argues.

“Why not? Is there something that prevents me from using your weapons? Will the hilts burn my hands if I touch them? Will the world come down around us if you spill the secrets of your weapon’s mastery?”

Man, I love mocking the Order.

“I don’t see the problem,” Mr. Val says. “I can easily add weapons training to her schedule. She should fight like us, especially if she is to patrol. She will be a liability otherwise, or worse, she’ll just keep using the Thread of Fate as a weapon.”

I meet his gaze, shocked that he sided with me.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.