“What about my mom?”

“We'll post guards at your house.”

It doesn't feel right, to be stuffed away in some sort of supernatural sanctuary while my mom is left out in the open.

“Can't I just go home? You'll have guards there anyway.”

“We can protect you better at Temple. Rest assured, no harm will come to your mother.”

What he’s saying doesn’t make sense in my head. If that’s true, why can’t I just stay home? But I get it...it’s a way to control me.

“And what happens if you don't contain the threat? Does a weekend turn into a week, then a month, then a year?”

“Miss Silby, we do not wish to keep you there any longer than you wish to stay there,” Mr. Val says, turning to face me. “But we will do what we must to keep you safe.”

“Good luck convincing my mother,” I mutter, crossing my arms.

“We have already taken the liberty of contacting her,” Mr. Rivera says. “She believes you are attending a student retreat for extra credit.”

My heart falls. They cover all their bases.

“But...what about the vigil?” I ask. I want to go for a lot of reasons, and it also gives me enough time to think of a way out of spending the weekend at Temple.

Mr. Rivera and Mr. Val exchange a look.

“Of course you can attend,” Mr. Rivera says. “But with a guard.”

“You want me to walk around with a Shadow Knight?”

“We are birds, Miss Silby,” Mr. Val says. “We’ll be watching.”

I hate shape-shifters.


Campus looks like a still from an Alfred Hitchcock film. Ravens hang out in the grass and trees, on electric lines and roofs. They spread their wings as if stretching, like they’re stiff from perching. Sometimes they caw together, like one of them told a joke and everyone thinks it’s hilarious. They watch me as I go from class to class. They’re just as bad as the students, who can’t seem to keep their eyes to themselves.

I use class to consider my options for escape. There aren’t many. I’m convinced Natalie posted my past on Roundtable, Shy will side with the Order, and I prefer to keep Lennon out of this mess. That leaves Thane.

It’s times like this I wish I had a car.

In history, Lennon nudges me with her elbow, her body swallowed by a huge, black cardigan. “You okay?” It’s her way of asking me about Roundtable. I’ve been waiting, wound tight.

I let out a breath. “Yeah, I guess.”

She nods, pursing her lips. She looks pale today and a sheen of sweat glistens on her forehead. I start to ask her if she’s okay when she asks, “So...is it true?”

I don’t look at her as I admit, “Parts of it.”

She nods and keeps her gaze on the teacher at the front of the room. “I’ve been following Chase Lockwood’s case since it broke national news.”

“What?” I exclaim. I can’t help it. She’s known about Chase this whole time?

Everyone’s eyes snap to me and Mrs. Wilson frowns. “Is everything alright, Miss Silby?”

“Yes. I’m sorry.”

She glares at me before returning to her lecture. Lennon waits a few moments longer to explain. “When a Shadow Knight dies, it puts everyone on edge, even death-speakers.”