“Not all of you seem to be in agreement,” I say, glaring at Elite Ezekiel.

“We are a democracy, Eurydice. Majority rules,” says Elite Gwen.

And as she speaks, more than half the room raises their hand in agreement.

Elite Cain speaks. “The Order will move forward as planned and train you. In exchange, you will fulfill your duty and lead lost souls into Spirit. Think of it as....redemption for the coins you lost.”

I can't lead anything into Spirit, I want to say. I don't know how to summon the Gates, but I keep my mouth shut just in case they all decide in the next few seconds that setting me free is too risky. Let them think they have me now.

“This Council is dismissed,” Elite Cain says. “Commander Savior, please escort the Eurydice to the Infirmary.”

Shy’s father stands in the small room where a medic removes the claw from my hand. I wince as the prongs come free. The medic treats the four punctures and then binds my hand. Bastian is quiet; the only question he directs toward me is about the bites all over my skin. When I tell him Lily was able to summon the bugs, his brows rise in surprise.

I think about how this night started—all I wanted to do was track Lily’s soul. Now I’m in the Order’s custody. Of all the things that upset me the most, it isn’t the interrogation or that I’ll now fill the role as Eurydice, it’s that Roth has my poppa’s coin and thinks to use it as a snare to keep me in Rayon.

I will get my coin back, one way or the other, but first, I have to find my lost coin and Lily’s murderer.

Once the medic is through, I follow Bastian out of the infirmary. Before he exits into the waiting room, he pauses at the door.

“Before you leave, your trainer would like to speak with you.”

“My trainer?”

Shadow Knights don't mess around. The fact that they already have someone assigned to teach me makes me think they decided this a long time ago.

“Shall I introduce you?”

I get the feeling it is one of those rhetorical questions I can’t refuse, so I nod.

He pushes through the door and steps out of the way and I’m face-to-face with Mr. Val.

“Oh no. You're my trainer?”


I take Anora home after the Order is finished questioning her. Now and then I catch a glimpse of reddish-brown fur in the tree line. Anora’s Hellhounds are following. I don’t think she notices as she seethes in my passenger seat, sitting as far away from me as possible. In response, I keep one of my hands clutched around the steering wheel of my Jeep and the other pressed against my chest where the thread connects us across lifetimes. It pinches and pulls. The feeling isn’t as severe as when she was in trouble, but it’s not the normal level of anxiety I’m used to with her. I want to snap at her, tell her to stop—but stop what? Feeling?

I can’t blame her for feeling right now—anger, fear, betrayal.

The Order found a way to make the Eurydice compliant. She will pay for her sins by serving them. They’d done exactly what she’d feared from the beginning—taken away her choice.

“Stop doing that!” she snaps at me, finally breaking the silence straining between us.

I jerk. I don’t like that she startled me, it means I’m not paying as much attention as I need to be, but how can I help it? I can’t shake her discomfort and the cab of my Jeep is small and compact, thick with all her feelings and her smell. There are a million other things I prefer to do in this car than fight with her.

r />


“You keep rubbing your chest and it’s making a noise, and it’s driving me crazy.”

I crush my fingers together and dropped my hand, leaving it in a fist on my thigh. She watches it for a moment, and I think she might touch me, ease the tension and frustration, but she doesn’t.

That only increases my irritation.

“You do that a lot, you know,” she says.
