Shy reaches across the console, laces his fingers through my hair and kisses me.


It’s dark when I decide to leave for the graveyard.

I clutch Thane’s necklace in my palm, studying the pendant. It’s a flat circle with the letters L and T carved into the silver. It must be some sort of friendship necklace. It feels wrong to have it in my possession—just as personal as my poppa’s coin. I should have refused to take it, but I know why Thane gave it to me. Finding out what happened to Lily and her soul is more important. Besides, I’m partly responsible for this. I have to fix it if I can.

I take a deep breath, shove the necklace in my pocket, and climb out of my bedroom window. When my feet hit the ground, I come face to face with the Hellhounds. They sit in a ‘V’ and I know they are prepared to follow me, but if I’m going to keep any Valryn from realizing I’m gone, they’re going to have to stay put.

“Stay,” I say.

They whimper in unison, which makes me feel strangely guilty, but they lay down, resting their heads on their paws.

After a moment, I extend my hand and the one closest to me inches forward until his wet nose touches my fingers. I scratch his muzzle and whisper, “I’ll be back, I promise.”

I grab my bike and walk it to the road. I cast one last glance over my shoulder. The hounds watch me, but they haven’t moved from their spots.

I head toward the graveyard. I can tell when I’m close because I can feel the energy of the dead growing stronger. I navigate the souls faster this time and approach the mausoleum. The door is still ajar, the lock broken from Thane’s handiwork. I start up the stairs when someone grabs me from behind.

I react, slamming my head into their face. Whoever has a hold of me lets go.

“Fuck! I think she broke my nose.”

I spin and run. The thread is trying to burrow out of my palm, reacting to my fear. No, I think. You’ve caused so much trouble already.

“Get her!” another voice calls.

Someone knocks into me and I fall—straight through a dead person. Whatever they died from causes my head to spin and as everything goes dark, I hear a third, familiar voice in the mix.

“Shit. Is she okay?”


Then, nothing.


After I drop Anora off, I head home to sleep a little before meeting Roth. The streetlights glare through my windshield as I drive to June’s. As much as I’d have liked to disregard Roth’s message, it doesn’t do me any good. I’m already in deep with the Order. Ignoring the soon-to-be-Luminary will just get me in more trouble.

Luckily when I return, Jeremy is gone. I really don’t like him and not just because he’s my rival. The kid’s been trouble in the past. He was caught on security cameras spray painting our gym. His anger has led to several penalties and suspensions for unsportsmanlike conduct and targeting. Most of all, I don’t like that he knows Anora was selected as the princess for Queen’s Ransom. It makes me think he’s plotting something. I hope Anora listens to me about tonight.

I find Roth at a small, round table in the corner, bent over a latte with a foam art cat on the surface.

“I didn't know you were a cat person,” I say.

Roth looks at me and smiles. “There're a lot of things you don't know about me, Savior.”

“What do you want, Roth?”

He nods to the chair in front of him. “Sit down.”

Begrudgingly, I take a seat.

“What's new?”

“What's new?” I echo his question. He poses it like we're friends.

“Yeah,” he says, shrugging and then leaning forward. “You have a girlfriend yet?”