hat track reincarnations from the beginning of time. There are a few missing pieces, strands Valryn have missed, but for the most part, it’s comprehensive. And it’s only accessible by the Records Keeper, a designated Valryn who apparently has the ability to see and read the threads of past lives.

He continues. “I followed the threads.”

I know what he's going to say before he continues—know it like I know the feel of my blades in my hands, but it still somehow manages to cut right through me.

“It's you.”

He says it like he's delivering a death sentence, and from what we know about the Eurydice, I guess he sort of is.

“In your last incarnation, you were captured and murdered. Whoever did it, sent the Eurydice clues to your whereabouts, and once she got there, they attacked her, too.”

So, I’d been the trap that ended her life—and that would prevent her from incarnating for seventy years. All those annoying questions from Roth about whether I have a girlfriend make sense now. He's guessing I'll be attracted to the Eurydice. Problem is, he is right.

“The other lifetimes aren’t any better,” Jacobi says, his voice is gritty and unfamiliar. Whatever he’d read must have been horrible. “I got suspicious when Roth appointed you as Tracker. I mean...you’re talented but...”

“No one gets promoted before training,” I finish. “Roth knows.”

We’re silent for a long moment. Then Jacobi says, “At least you know why you like her so much now. You can just...stop.”


“Come on, Shy. She’s still human. You can't have a relationship with her anyway.”

I haven't been able to sort out my feelings for Anora between the incessant pull and all the drama surrounding her but being told I can't like her—being told I can just stop—infuriates me.

“I don't need a reminder from you, Jacobi. Natalie does that enough.”

He looks a little pale. “All I'm saying is, it's bad for both of you!”

I’m quiet for a moment. “Don't tell anyone what you found, Jacobi. Do you understand? The fewer people who know, the better.”

He nods. “Okay, fair enough, but what are you going to do?”

“I don't know,” I admit. “Keep it to myself. The longer Roth goes without realizing we've caught onto him, the better chance we have of figuring out what he really wants with the Eurydice.”

I take a deep breath, mostly to ensure the next thing out of my mouth doesn't sound bitter.

“Thanks, Jacobi.”


Shy picks me up at one. When I shut the door of his Jeep, he offers an easy smile, and yet I feel his tension. It corners me, stealing my breath and I can’t help asking, “Are you okay?”

He seems surprised by that question. “Yeah. Why?”

I shake my head, trying to form words. “I just thought I’d ask. You know, after last night.”

His smile broadens and it reaches deep into my heart. “I’m more than okay after last night.”

I blush and look away, though I know he’s not being completely honest. I can feel that he is troubled, like tendrils of smoke it surrounds me, caressing my skin. It makes me want to touch him, to feel his energy deep in my bones because somehow, I know it will comfort us both.

The thought keeps slicing through me, sharp and startling. Something changed between us last night, and it didn’t even start with the kiss.

I know his soul.

I’d thought it the moment his eyes met mine, and I’d felt like he was my calm in all the chaos.

It was the last thing I wanted to feel for a Shadow Knight, especially after Chase.