Page 108 of The Spark

I scanned the room, and there had to be a hundred people—friends of mine, friends of Donovan’s, people from my work and school, Bud and his lady friend, Donovan’s new partners Juliette and Trent (They’d all left Kravitz, Polk and Hastings three months ago and started their own firm together.), and Trent’s new fiancée, Margo, was smiling, too.

I clutched my chest and turned to Donovan. “Oh my God. You did all this for me? How did you even contact everyone?”

“I had a lot of help from Storm and Skye. You deserved a graduation party.”

“This is crazy. But thank you so much!” I threw my arms around his neck and crushed my lips to his. “I love you.”

“Right back atcha, Red.”

I rubbed my nose with Donovan’s. “Did you know some of the topiary Edward trimmed in Edward Scissorhands used to be on display here before the restaurant closed for a few years?”

Donovan laughed and kissed my forehead. “You’re just a plethora of useless information, Dr. Wilde. It’s one of the things I love about you.”

For the next half hour, I made my way around the room to greet people. Donovan stayed dutifully by my side, only disappearing occasionally to refill my wine glass. And people were handing me presents! I was completely overwhelmed. By the time we’d visited the last table, both our hands were full again. There was a long buffet table off to one side of the room where we’d been piling up gift bags and boxes. We walked over and set the last batch down, and I looked around one more time.

“I still can’t believe you did all this. And all of these people came to celebrate with me.” I pointed to the gifts and shook my head. “All of these are just over the top.”

Donovan wrapped his arms around my waist. “Well, I still didn’t give you my present.”

“You mean there’s more than just a giant party at a fancy restaurant in the middle of Central Park? Pretty sure you can’t top all of this.”

Donovan smirked. “You know I love a challenge.” He kissed my forehead. “Stay right here for a minute.”

I watched as he walked over to Skye and came back with two glasses of champagne. Handing one to me, I thought we were going to have a quiet little celebration drink. But instead, he cleared his throat and yelled, “Can I have everyone’s attention, please?”

The room had been rumbling with voices but settled down.

“Thank you.” He smiled. “I just wanted to make a toast, and then I promise I’ll let you all eat.”

“Talk fast,” Storm yelled, and everyone laughed.

“First off, I want to thank you all for coming to help celebrate Dr. Wilde’s big day. Anyone who is in this room knows how passionate she is about helping people.” He pointed at Storm. “Even the ones who are a pain in the ass.”

Everyone laughed.

“A minute ago, Autumn told me she was overwhelmed by all this.” He motioned to the present table. “And I reminded her that I hadn’t given her my present yet. She told me it would be hard to top this perfect night, but you know me—I’m nothing if not an overachiever.”

Donovan set his champagne glass on the gift table, and everything began to play out in slow motion. He got down on one knee and took my hand. His was cold and clammy, and when I looked down, I could see how nervous he was. It made the moment that much more surreal, because my arrogant man had nerves of steel.

Donovan lifted my hand to his mouth and kissed my knuckles. “Autumn Renee Wilde, two years ago you walked into my life and knocked me on my ass. I thought I had everything I wanted, but you very quickly showed me I didn’t even know what I was missing yet. You’re the toughest person I’ve ever met, yet somehow you also manage to be the kindest. Before I met you, I lived for the next challenge at work. But now, the only challenge that seems important is being the man you deserve.”

Donovan paused and looked down. When his eyes met mine again, they were brimming with tears. “Red, I was so damn proud watching you walk across that stage today. The only thing that could possibly make me any prouder would be to tell people Dr. Wilde is my wife.” He reached into his pocket, pulled out a ring box, and opened it. The most gorgeous princess-cut stone sparkled from inside. “Marry me, Autumn...please?”