Page 2 of The Spark

“What are your initials?”

“My initials?”

“Yeah, you know, the first letter of your first name and the first letter of your last name.”

I rolled my eyes. “I know what initials are. I just don’t understand why you would ask—Oh! Does that mean you have my luggage? I have my initials embossed on the luggage tag.”

“That depends on what your initials are, Autumn. The first letter matches.”

“My initials are AW.”

“Well, then it seems you are indeed the thief who clipped my luggage.”

Sure, I hadn’t checked my luggage tag, but it offended me that he was calling me a thief. “Wouldn’t we both be thieves? Since you’re in possession of my luggage?”

“I only took yours because it was the last one left rotating around the carousel. You see, unlike you, I checked the luggage tag the first time it passed, and when I saw it wasn’t mine, I left it for the rightful owner to claim. But the line at baggage customer service was twenty deep, and I had a meeting I was already late for. So I took the one I have hostage until the airline could sort it out.”

My shoulders slumped. “Oh. Sorry.”

“It’s fine. Are you here in the City?”

“I am. Could we possibly meet to swap bags?”

“Sure. When and where? I’m out now, but I’ll be back in an hour or two.”

The tag had an address on the Upper East Side, but I lived on the West Side, farther downtown. “Could we meet at the Starbucks on 80th and Lex?” That was closer to him, but at least I’d only have to drag the suitcase onto one subway.

“I can’t think of any excuse not to. What time?”

That was sort of a weird way to phrase a yes, and the way he emphasized the word excuse seemed odd. But hey, I was getting my bag back. So what if he turned out to be a little strange? At least I’d hidden my phone number, and we were meeting in a public place.

“How about eight?”

“I’ll see you then.”

It sounded like he was about to hang up. “Wait…” I said. “How will I know it’s you?”

“I’ll be the one holding your luggage, Autumn W.”

I chuckled. “Oh, yeah. Sorry...long week in Vegas.”

I bent and lifted the shoe from the top of the bag. Ferragamo. Expensive. And big, too. A quick peek revealed it was a size thirteen. The inner teenager in me couldn’t help but think big feet, big…. Plus, the guy had a deep, sexy voice. I would definitely be exploring more of the dude’s luggage after we hung up.

“I’ll meet you at eight,” he said.

“See you then.” I was just about to swipe my phone off when something hit me. Oh God! “Hello? Wait...are you still there?”

It took a heartbeat or two, but the sexy voice came back on the line. “What’s up?”

“Ummm… Did you…open my bag?”

“I unzipped it at the airport to make sure it wasn’t mine when I noticed the luggage tag initials.”

“Did you…see anything?”

“There was a pink thong on top, so that pretty much sealed the deal that it didn’t belong to me. But I didn’t rummage through, if that’s what you’re asking.”

I forgot I’d shoved that thong in at the last minute. It had been at the back of a drawer when I’d checked the hotel room one last time on my way out. But I’d take him seeing my underwear over the other stuff inside my bag. I blew out a sigh of relief. “Okay, that’s great. Thank you. I’ll see you at eight at Starbucks.”

“Whoa. Hang on a second—not so fast. You sounded pretty nervous that I might’ve gone through your bag. Are you hiding something sinister in there? I’m not going to be walking around with a suitcase full of drugs or something, am I?”

I cracked a smile. “No, definitely not. I just...I’d prefer if you didn’t go through it.”

“Did you rummage through mine?”

I glanced at the shoe in my hand. Taking out one measly piece of footwear wouldn’t be considered rummaging, right? Nah. “No, I didn’t.”

“Are you planning on it?” he asked.

I had no idea what the man looked like, yet I could tell by his voice that he was smiling now.

“Nope,” I lied.

“Alright. Then we have a deal. I won’t go through your bag, and you won’t go through mine.”

“Okay. Thank you.”

“Do I have your word on that, Autumn W? I might have some things I’d prefer you didn’t see in there.”

“Like what?”

He chuckled. “See you at eight.”

After we hung up, I tossed the shoe back into the suitcase and bent to close it. But as I reached for the zipper, my curiosity got the best of me. Was he just screwing with me, or did he really have something in here he didn’t want me to see? Of course, I knew what I had in mine, which made me extra curious.