Josef holds up his hand. “I’m sorry, but can you get us another waitress?” Well, that’s awkward. Stella looks confused, but then our dorky new goalie says, “Because I didn’t come in looking my best, and I want to make another impression on you.”

She smiles kindly as Aiden snorts. “Shut it, Jo.”

Tanner can’t help himself. “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?”

Boon is dying at this point. His laughter fills the restaurant, and the way Stella looks at me makes me chuckle. What the hell am I supposed to do? She isn’t mine.


“That’s enough, guys,” Jamey says then, before he holds out his hand. Stella places hers in his, looking between Aiden and me. “I apologize for these apes. My name is Jamey, I make eight figures a year, I own a boat and a lake house. I’ve been told I’m hung like a hor—”

“Jesus Christ!” Aiden yells, and I can’t help but cackle as Stella takes her hand back very quickly.

“I’m surprised you lasted that long,” I throw out, and Boon nods, still laughing.

“Man, I hope you’re not having a girl. You won’t make it.”

Aiden glares at Boon. “That’s not funny.”

“It’s a little funny,” I say, holding up my thumb and forefinger. “Just a little, though.”

“I’m sorry, Brooks, but you can’t be related to an angel and not expect people to hit on her,” Tanner announces, and I kind of agree with him. But I’m not stupid.

Aiden holds up his palms, eyeing everyone. Well, not me. He thinks I follow his rules. “My sisters are off-limits.”

Stella’s smile tells me she doesn’t want to be off-limits. But only for me. I lick my lips, winking at her, and she giggles happily.

“You think this is funny?” Aiden snaps at her, and she shrugs.

“A little.”

Josef shakes his head. “For real, though. Is anyone in your family not good-looking?”

“Asher,” Stella and Aiden both say at the same time, and it must be an inside joke because they both start laughing.

“I would be a good boyfriend,” Tanner says, and Josef scoffs.

“She don’t want to date no guy that’s almost thirty. She would want me, a newly eighteen-year-old with all the promise in the world. You can mold me into whatever man you want. I’d let you. Choose me.”

Jamey laughs at the both of them. “She wants a rich man. That’s me. Choose me.”

“This isn’t The Bachelor,” I say, but then I pause. “I’m going to bring that to marketing,” I say to Boon and Aiden. “The Assassins, Bachelor-style. That can raise a lot for charity, especially with these three thirsty idiots.”

Aiden nods. “That’s a great idea.” Then he looks at the new guys before pointing at each of them. “No, no, and hell no. Yes, she is classy and very pretty, but she doesn’t need a man. She is a successful, talented fashion designer, and the last thing she needs is some dude taking all her time. She doesn’t have any to begin with. She’s driven.”

Josef either doesn’t care or is ignoring our second-in-command. “Seriously, you can use me when you want.”

I think Aiden is about to grab Josef in a very dramatic Homer and Bart Simpson sort of way. I’m just sitting back, enjoying the show. But before Aiden can, Stella clears her throat, which draws all the attention. Mainly from me and the new guys. Boon is on his phone, probably texting Posey a play-by-play, and Aiden is trying not to kill people. “I appreciate all the kind advances, but I’m not interested. I’m actually very busy, as my brother has said, and I only make time for someone I truly see something happening with. Y’all are kind and sweet, but please don’t ruin your career by trying to get with me and my brother breaking limbs. He’s crazy.”

“It’s true,” Boon and I say together, but I don’t think that derails them at all. They’re still looking at her like the juiciest rebound and they’re ready to score.

I figure it’s time to save her. “Really, guys. I’ve tried, she’s shot me down, and I’m way hotter than the lot of you.”

Her lips curve up in the brightest smile. “I thought you turned me down.”

I scoff. “Stella, I may have been hit in the face a time or two, or eighteen, but I’d never be dumb enough to turn you down.”

Our gazes are locked and I feel Aiden glaring at me, but I wouldn’t dare look away. “So, are you saying I may have a chance with the great Wes McMillan?”

I feel everyone’s eyes on me, but then Aiden says, “We need a new waitress.”

Stella giggles and I smile. “Just name the time and place, sweetheart.”

“No. Don’t you dare. Mom!”

“You’re calling your mom on us?” I accuse, and he nods with no shame.

“Oh my God, grow up, Aiden,” she says, rolling her eyes. “What can I get everyone to drink?”