“You could post a sign about needing help on the information corkboard at the grocery store,” she tells me. I’ve always been wary about hiring outside help because I don’t want my recipes or secrets getting leaked. I don’t need any more competition in this industry or in the area. Hadleigh helps me on the days she’s not working her nursing job at the hospital. Her shifts rotate three days on and four days off, so she comes over on her days off.

I love when Hadleigh works with me because we’re able to catch up and chat, making the time pass faster. It reminds me of when we were teenagers, doing crafts and talking about boys. Even though we’re both painfully single, it’s still fun to gossip. However, since she’s close friends with Kane Bishop—who also lives on the ranch—I have to share her with him too.

I tell Mom goodbye, then go home to get ready for my launch tonight. Listings are scheduled to go live every ten minutes, and I’m excited to see how this works out. Being different from the other soap companies has really helped me double my social media presence and build a real brand in a short amount of time. Well, that and a lot of blood, sweat, and tears.

Once I’m in my driveway, I text Ethan and let him know what happened at the boutique.

Harper: Hey, assface. You could’ve given me a warning that you were gonna tell your grandma I was bringing new inventory in today! But also, thank you. It was a nice surprise.

He sends me a winky emoji before sending another message.

Ethan: What’s the fun in that? Gotta keep it spicy for ya. And you’re welcome. I’m glad it worked.

Harper: Those women bought everything! Stock is now completely out till Friday.

Ethan: It’s because you’re amazing and your products are great.

A smile touches my lips. Ethan’s always been my biggest fan and supporter, and it’s why he’s my bestest friend in the entire world. I don’t know what I’d do without him, considering he’s always been my hype squad.

Harper: And that’s why I love you.

Ethan: Because I tell the truth?

Harper: Because even when my recipes weren’t quite right and my sales sucked, you were still my cheerleader. You’ve always been my ride or die!

There’s a pause before I see his bubble pop up.

Ethan: Isn’t that what best friends are for?

Harper: Absolutely. BFFs for life!

Best friends. My eyes focus on the words for a moment. It’s a reminder of what we are and will always be even though Ethan’s the only man who’s ever given a damn about me.

Chapter Three


After I check on the goat's milk production this morning, I go home and get ready for the Fourth of July party. The big yearly celebration on the ranch is a Bishop family tradition, and the whole family attends. It always brings back great childhood memories, and I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Along with a ton of food and music, my uncles always put on a great fireworks show.

When I’m out of the shower, I put on shorts and a T-shirt since it's so damn hot outside, then grab my baseball cap. Mom’s sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee while scrolling on her phone.

“Hey, hon,” she says when I grab a bottle of water.

“What’s goin’ on? Dad gonna make it on time?”

“Oh yeah. He’ll be home any minute actually,” she tells me just as the front door slams.

Dad walks in and kisses Mom on the cheek, then turns to me. “Headin’ over?”

“Yes, sir. Gonna pick up Harper first, then meetin’ everyone.”

“If you can, let Jackson know I’ll be there in a bit. And tell him I said no water balloons this year.” He gives me a stern look to pass onto him, though it’s pointless. Uncle Jackson still acts like a teenager and will do whatever he pleases.

I chuckle. “I’ll give him the message.”

My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I see a text from Harper.

“I’ll see y’all there,” I tell them before making my way outside.

Harper: I’m ready when you are!

Ethan: Be there in 15.

I glance at my truck, but I know way too many vehicles will be parked at the B&B, so I grab the keys to the four-wheeler we have in the shop. After I fill it with gas, I crank it and head to Harper’s.

Since her dad started working on the ranch as a teenager and has no plans to ever quit, Grandma offered their family a one-hundred-year lease on a piece of land to build a house. So in a roundabout way, we’re kinda neighbors too. I say kinda because the ranch is ten thousand acres.

As soon as the tires hit the gravel road, dust kicks up in my wake. I give it more gas, enjoying the warm breeze. The road curves, and I turn down the long driveway that leads to the two-story ranch house. I drive around it until I’m idling outside of Harper’s cabin. I rev the engine loudly until she swings the door open with a cute scowl.