“Some chick Maize went to school with and hates. Long story, but either way, I imagine that had all the Bishop girls talkin’,” Ethan explains.

“Oh well, not as much as when Kenzie bid on and won Grayson,” Hadleigh says.

“No way! She did?” My eyes widen in shock because no one has mentioned it. After Kenzie tied him up the night of our wedding, they’re still at war with each other.

“Yeah actually, she and that Sarah chick ended up in a bidding war. I think it went to three hundred before Kenzie threatened to shove the paddle down her throat.”

I burst out laughing. “That’s something I could see her saying.”

“Probably why Sarah went so hard to win Kane because she lost Grayson.” Hadleigh shrugs.

Though she plays it off as if it’s no big deal, I’m not buying it. She’s more bothered about Kane going on a date with this girl than she’s showing.

Hadleigh and I visit for an hour before she leaves. Luckily, I’ll have Ivy to help with the business while I’m on maternity leave. Hadleigh and Kaitlyn volunteered to take a few shifts if I’m really backed up. My mom said she’ll pitch in and help package too. It’s a relief to actually get this time to spend with Ethan and Hayden without worrying about the shop.

“Our first night as a family of three. What do you wanna do?” Ethan lies next to me as I feed Hayden.

“Honestly, lying in bed, watching a movie, and eating dinner like old times sounds like heaven.”

He cups my cheek and softly kisses me. “You’ve got it, love. Grandma and Maize made us several casseroles. I’ll pop one in the oven, then we can find something to watch.”

After five minutes, I double tap my bracelet, and seconds later, Ethan returns.

“Everything okay?”

I beam at the most amazing man and nod. “Everything’s perfect.”