“Holy shit.” I laugh, pulling her in for a kiss. Cupping her cheeks, I slide my tongue against hers and feel how fast her heart’s beating. “You’re sure?”

“You’re right, it’s crazy, but you’re all I’ll ever want and need.” She smiles so wide, I can’t contain the burst of happiness that surrounds me. “You and me.”

I take the ring and slide it over her finger. “You and me, love. Forever.”

After Harper and I officially got engaged, we celebrated with another round between the sheets and then another in the shower after we took a snack break. Our families are going to flip when we tell them the news, but most of them won’t be surprised. Though I was supposed to work in the morning, I sent a text to Payton and Kane to cover for me.

“Good mornin’,” I whisper in Harper’s ear. “I have breakfast and coffee for you.”

“Mmm…” She grins as she stretches her arms over her head. “You made food?”

I chuckle at the shock in her tone. “No, but I went to the B&B and got your favorites.”

Her eyes fly open in excitement. “Western omelet?”

“Yep, with a side of bacon and a poppyseed muffin.”

“Oh my God. If I didn’t say I love you before, I definitely would now.”

“I don’t mind hearing it again.” I wink.

Harper sits up and snickers. “Let’s see how good this omelet is first.”

“It’s Maize’s cookin’. You know it’s gonna be the best.”

“That’s true.”

I bring her a plate full of food and a cup of coffee with sugar and creamer. Then I sit next to her and eat.

“So what do you think we should tell our parents?”

“Hmm…I was kinda hoping you’d have an idea.”

“Well, flash that ring around for a few minutes, and that should do the trick.”

“Speaking of which, why’d you have it with you?”

“What do you mean?”

“I thought you were returning it. Wasn’t that your plan?”

“Originally, yes. But I kept it in my truck because after our night together, I held on to hope that it’d be the ring I’d propose to you with.” I flash a cocky smile. “Turns out it was.”

“Why was it in your pocket then if you had it in your truck?”

“Umm…well,” I hesitate.


I shrug. “I wasn’t sure where last night would head after I arrived. I wanted to be prepared for different scenarios.”

Harper gives me a puzzled look.

“You know, the one where you tell me to fuck off. Or the other where you confess your undying love for me,” I say smugly.

She snorts, shaking her head. “I’m afraid to ask what was in your other pocket then.”

“A Taser.”

Harper nearly chokes on her food. “Ethan!”

“Kidding, geez!” I smirk. “Though you did get a little feisty. I nearly brought it out to calm your ass down.”

“Very funny.”

“It’s why you love me, remember?” I taunt, taking a big bite of French toast.

“You wish.”

“My charm?” I guess again. “Or because you find me irresistible with my brains and good looks?” I tease, then keep going when she continues to ignore me while she devours her food. “Alright, fine. I didn’t wanna say it and sound like I have a massive ego, but you love my cock.”

“Ethan!” she scolds, almost choking on her food again.

“I mean, you only screamed and moaned for hours, so that must be it.”

“I loved you long before I saw it,” she confirms. “Though, it definitely adds to the appeal…”

“Is that so?” I set my plate down on her nightstand and crawl over to her. “Wanna tell me again how much you love me?”

“Can a girl eat?” she asks as if she’s annoyed, but I see the little way the corner of her lips tilts up.

“Of course. Don’t mind me, though…” I move down the bed, spreading her legs open.

“What are you doin’?”

“I’m still hungry, and all my food is gone.” Kissing up her thigh, she widens them as I stroke my nose along her slit. Her panties were long gone last night, and thankfully, she never put them back on. “Fucking hell,” I mutter as I lap my tongue over her.

Harper adjusts her body so she’s more comfortable, then sets her plate down. I smile in amusement at how distracted she became as she fists her fingers in my hair.

“That feels good…” she hums when I continue licking her pussy. Her back nearly flies off the bed when I finger-fuck her while sucking her clit. As I bring her near to the edge, her hips go wild. Knowing she’s close, I pull back her swollen lips and flick her clit faster. “Yes, right there. Oh God. Yes, yes, yes.”

I growl as she shakes and unravels against my tongue. When I look up at her, I can tell she’s trying to scream, but she nearly lost her voice last night. Instead, it releases as a desperate screech, and my dick hardens when she meets my gaze. Her eyes are filled with hunger and need.